Young Cuban arrives to the island as a surprise: "Two years is not much but between mother and son it is more than an eternity"

Cuban surprises his mother by arriving in Cuba after two years without seeing each other.

Thanks to social networks we are once again witnesses ofa surprise reunion between a young Cuban and his mother. An emotional video that the user Mauro Pesadilla (@mauropesadilla) shared on his TikTok profile and with which it is inevitable to be moved.

In the images we see the young Cuban arrive by car to a lot where his mother is, who was not aware of His returns to the island after two years. Seeing him, the woman puts her hands on her face and immediately they melt into a warm hug full of feelings.

"Two years is not much but between mother and son it is more than an eternity. I'm back. I love you mom", wrote Mauro Pesadilla when publishing this beautiful video.

The emotion conveyed by the reunions of Cuban emigrants with their families transcends the screen and there are thousands of netizens who view this type of content on TikTok, turning these videos into viral ones.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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