Amanda is progressing favorably weeks after her transplant in Spain: "She has gained weight"

The girl eats porridge made from meat and vegetables.

Amanda © Lara Crofs/Instagram
Amanda Photo © Lara Crofs/Instagram

The Cuban girl Amanda Lemus, who underwent a liver transplant in Spain, is progressing favorably and has even gained weight, reported activist Yamilka Laffita, known as Lara Crofs in Facebook.

The young woman stated in a publication that the three-year-old is "very lively and active, so it is easy to understand that she feels better."

For a week he has been eating porridge based on meat and vegetables and has gained weight, he said.

The doctors explained that the infant's recovery will be long and will require special care, which is why the mother, Mila Ortiz, receives talks about the care and attention that should be given to transplanted children at the Hospitalaria La Paz, in Madrid, where Amanda is being attended to from arrival to Spain.

Publication in Facebook

The last medical report indicated that the girl "continues to have ascites in 1.0 ml of the 300 ml that she had when she arrived in Spain, which denotes the "great degree of improvement," Crofs explained.

He states that this small accumulation of fluid caused low-grade fever initially, but it was overcome days ago.

"The infection has never been dangerous and the doctors have it under control, which does not offer any danger of complications. The platelets are still low (the amount of antibiotics given for ascites threatens the recovery of platelets) because the spleen is not yet at the normal size, remember that it arrived with the organ very swollen. The bile duct has begun to function as expected, the portion of the implanted liver is performing according to the established parameters. The doctors in charge, even though she had a problem with her platelets, decided not to transfuse her for now because her hemoglobin went up. We can conclude that the patient's evolution, right now, cannot be better," he explained.

At the end of his message he recalled that Amanda's case "is reliable, concrete proof that when the Cuban community unites in pursuit of just causes, we can save what we set out to do."

The little girl's case has mobilized hundreds of Cubans on and off the island for months, after the island's health authorities said they could not operate on her due to lack of resources.

A request from her parents for the Ministry of Public Health to sign a letter authorizing the family to apply for a humanitarian visa to take her out of the country was held up for many months, putting Amanda's life in danger.

The family finally traveled to Spain with a tourist visa and after 15 days the the transplant of which the father was a donor. Spanish doctors said he had "lost a precious time", since the patient arrived very deteriorated.

After several relapses after the surgical procedure, the little girl is finally beginning to show signs of improvement.

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