More than 10,400 Cuban migrants have been detained in Mexico in the first quarter of 2024

Although it is not the largest number of people detained, in a list headed by people from Venezuela, migration is a phenomenon that continues to worry the nations involved.

Cubanos migrantes en México © X / INM (Detención de migrantes en carretera de México)
Cuban migrants in Mexico Photo © X / INM (Detention of migrants on the highway in Mexico)

More than 10,400 Cubans have been detained by Mexican immigration authorities during the first quarter of the current year, according to figures by the Migration Policy Unit of the Ministry of the Interior from the Aztec country.

With that figure, 10,464 to be exact, the Caribbean island occupies ninth position among the countries with the most people detained in Mexican territory.

Total, Mexican authorities have detected 359,697 "people in an irregular immigration situation" between January and March 2024, an increase of 199.68% compared to 120,029 in the same period of 2023.

The first are the Venezuelans, of which 89,718 people did not manage to reach the border with the United States, almost one in four of the total, 24.94%, the agency specifies. WHICH.

Behind them are: Honduras (37,323), Ecuador (36,956), Guatemala (36,934), Colombia (21,534), Nicaragua (18,711), El Salvador (17,720) and Haiti (16,791).

The figures, released this past Saturday, come at a time when The presidents of the United States and Mexico announced that they will adopt immediate measures to "significantly" reduce irregular migrant crossings on the border between both countries.

Last Monday, April 29, Joe Biden and Andrés Manuel López Obrador issued a joint statement in which they reveal that they spoke by phone on Sunday, April 28, about their continued commitment to strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation for the benefit of their people.

"In the short term, the two leaders ordered their national security teams to work together to immediately implement concrete measures to significantly reduce irregular border crossings while protecting human rights," the text details.

The situation in the mexican borders, both to the south, with Guatemala, and to the north, with the United States, has been experiencing considerable tension for years due to the arrival of migrants who escape the unfavorable political, economic and social conditions that they live in their countries, the majority governed by authoritarian regimes. .

Tapachula, in the south of Mexico and home to many migrants, is perhaps the city hardest hit by the phenomenon, although the future of these policies remains to be seen.

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