"Cuban Amy Winehouse" expelled from the bar where she worked as a waitress in Havana

"When one door closes, another opens," concluded Lisandra Rodríguez.

Lisandra Rodríguez, known as the “Amy Winehouse cubana” Due to her notable physical resemblance to the late British singer, she has been expelled from the bar where she eventually worked as a waitress in Old Havana, as the young woman herself revealed on her social networks on Tuesday.

Lisandra's sudden fame and public gratitude to the independent media, which in a few hours massively echoed her story, apparently did not sit well with some, which resulted in a withering goodbye.

However, the young woman was responsible for clarifying on social media that she worked at the "Escabeche" bar without papers, and says that she was only helping a friend.

“I'm very sorry for this, but I didn't make the decision. They fired me from work for being in the media. I want to clarify that I was supporting serving the tables, but I did not comply with the documents for that”, he explained in a text published on Facebook.

“It still seems a little bad to me that young people want to improve themselves and are so limited by things like this. “This beautiful country is full of young people with nothing to do,” Lisandra added; who insisted on exonerating the administrator of the decision, while stressing that “The bosses higher up are the problem.”

Facebook screenshot/Lisandra Rodríguez

"Every day is good. Everything that happens happens for a reason", the young woman said casually in a live broadcast on Facebook while having a coffee in another bar in Havana from where she explained, in a casual manner, what happened.

During her speech, Lisandra even seemed excited that journalist Mario J. Pentón was watching her live and did not miss the opportunity to ask her about her parole, and the young woman has been waiting for more than a year to be granted humanitarian parole.

“They put me and my son on parole since February 18 of last year and I don't know where my parole is, maybe he's traveling through Nicaragua”, he joked.

"When one door closes, another opens", the young woman concluded shortly before warning that she would go to relieve the pressure of what happened by getting a new tattoo.

The expulsion of Lisandra Rodríguez from the Escabeche bar generated immediate rejection among many Cubans who consider it further evidence of the turmoil generated in the regime by the success and following of the independent media, capable of catapulting in a few hours, and simultaneously, a young woman fighting for a dream.

"This is the state of apartheid political life in Cuba. One more reason to end this," Mag Jorge Castro stated on Twitter.

Instead of hiring someone who could even attract more clients, they fire her. Dp the communists”; “Better for her! The further away from them, the happier at work. There will be no shortage of job offers to offer your image”; “She will have plenty of job offers and in private bars,” were other opinions.

“It's not even about thinking differently, now it's just about appearing in the media about those who think differently. “This country is improving every day.”said another Internet user.

In recent days, Lisandra Rodríguez expressed her desire to pay tribute to Amy Winehouse, who died in 2011, by visiting her grave in London.

"I hope with all my heart that sometime in my life I will be able to kneel at Amy's grave. It is my greatest wish to be able to bring her flowers with the greatest love in the world", wrote; and he noted that he is not "looking for fame" but rather he just wants to pay tribute to that great star so that new generations know who completely changed jazz music.

"That Amy is never forgotten is my goal. To make women understand that self-love comes first", he added, and concluded with: "I am grateful for so much support. Cuba"

Facebook screenshot/Lisandra Rodríguez

It was the Cuban filmmaker Daniel Ross Dieguez who discovered Lisandra while working as a waitress at the bar and was so impressed by her resemblance to Amy Winehouse that he even decided to have her make a fleeting appearance in his second fiction feature film, titled “Under the Cortex.”

And it is that to the notable physical resemblance to the late British singer The gestures, poses, and unique styling that the young Lisandra Rodríguez skillfully exploits are added, enhancing the similarity between the two.

Lisandra Rodríguez already said it: "When one door closes, another opens", and many new paths could be available to her soon.

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