Police besiege Cuban mother who protested for her son's freedom

The mother protested against a 10-year sentence against her son

Madre sitiada © Marcel Valdés/Facebook
Mother under siege Photo © Marcel Valdés/Facebook

The Cuban regime besieged the mother Migdalia Gutiérrez, who protested on Thursday for the freedom of her son Brusnelvis Cabrera Gutiérrez, imprisoned for the protests of July 11, 2021 in La Güinera, activists denounced on social networks.

The activist Marcel Valdés reported in Facebook that Gutiérrez, "is under siege in her home by the security of the Castro state and her cell phone service has been cut off."

The day before, the mother protested outside the Directorate of Penitentiary Establishments of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), where she was threatened by a major and later she was detained and taken to the Zapata y C unit.

Publication in Facebook

At the police station the agents also warned him "that if he continued to demonstrate for his son's freedom they were going to send him to the east."

"Migdalia told them that today he was also going to demonstrate and would do so until they released him, which is why today Migdalia is without signal on her phone and besieged by the repressive forces of Castro's tyranny," Valdés denounces.

Publication in Facebook

The activist points out that the regime "invests all the people's money to repress the people themselves and trample all types of rights, such as in this case; freedom of movement and expression."

Last January, Migdalia stood in front of the prison where the regime holds his son to demand medical attention for the young man, because his health condition is very deteriorated.

Brusnelvis was arrested for participating in the demonstrations in La Güinera. Initially the prosecution asked him for 15 years in prison for the political crime of sedition.

He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

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