Electric Company announces blackouts in Havana from 10 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon

Despite the inconvenience caused by four hours a day without light during the day, in other provinces the blackouts last more than 12 hours and are also at night.

Calle de La Habana (Imagen referencial) © Facebook / Naturaleza Secreta
Havana street (Reference image) Photo © Facebook / Secret Nature

The Havana Electric Company announced blackouts for this Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

"Taking into account the generation deficit reported for May 10 in the National Electric System, it will be necessary to affect the electrical service to clients in the capital associated with Block No.3," the entity said in its profile. Facebook.

The company shared several maps in which you can see the different areas from which service will be withdrawn. All municipalities, except Marianao, were affected.

Capture of Facebook / Havana Electric Company

Several users commented in the post that the weekly blackout report should be published so that people can organize themselves better.

"Do you think it is logical to publish this just half an hour before removing it? How long do people plan to cook, wash or blend food for babies and sick people who are bedridden? Is it really that much work to have a minimum of respect, humanity and empathy with this town that already has enough?" questioned a mother.

Other Internet users pointed out that what is really necessary is for the electricity problem to be definitively resolved.

"For God's sake, and June, July and August haven't arrived yet, no one can stand these heats. Do something, but stop turning off the electricity now. We've been dealing with blackouts since 2022 and they don't solve anything, so many open roads Why, if it doesn't get better, on the contrary, what we do is get worse," said a young woman.

"What is needed is for everything to be resolved and not so much information, with information we cannot solve the issue of electricity, it is tooth and nail, nothing will ever be resolved because the problems are old," criticized one man.

Despite the undeniable inconvenience caused by four hours a day without electricity during the day, in other provinces the situation is much worse, with blackouts lasting more than 12 hours and also at night.

"My God, here in Oriente they only give three hours of electricity and I don't know how many without it, they are no longer blackouts but lights...", denounced a resident in Guisa, in Granma.

These blackouts in the capital due to a generation deficit are added to others scheduled for maintenance actions, not to mention that circuit trips or some breakdown that leads to more affected areas occur outside of hours.

The company reported that this Friday the municipalities of Boyeros, Habana del Este, Guanabacoa and San Miguel del Padrón They would be affected from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, for this reason.

The energy crisis has reached a critical point when the government decides to schedule blackouts in Havana. The regime always tries to safeguard the capital and only removes electricity there as a last resort, to the detriment of the other provinces.

In 2022, the former governor of Havana announced four-hour blackouts in "solidarity" with the rest of the country, where power outages lasted 12 hours every day.

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