Dozens of Cubans exploded on social networks at the latest announcement from the Electrical Union stating that blackouts will increase in the country: "It is already unbearable," they claimed.
The day before, several territories on the island passed more than 12 hours in blackout and in areas of Havana they lasted for four hours.
The Electrical Union (UNE) reported that yesterday the service due to capacity deficit of generation 24 hours a day and a similar panorama is forecast for this Friday due to breakdowns in unit 2 of the CTE Felton and unit 5 of the CTE Rente.
It states that units 1 and 3 of the CTE Santa Cruz, unit 6 of the CTE Nuevitas, unit 1 of the CTE Felton and units 6 and 8 of the CTE Mariel are under maintenance.
However, the news upset the country's population, who has been suffering daily blackouts for months.
"It is already unbearable, we live in inhumane conditions, not to mention that water has not reached my community for 3 months, the little meat that I can store is spoiled, there is no solution, sleep, fatigue, heat, mosquitoes. I'm fed up "Enough," said one Internet user.
"If yesterday was less and we spent the entire night and early morning without power, today they don't even have it, the children go to school with hot water and soda and the bread from the warehouse is a disaster. Where are we that no one sees anything "How long?" asked another.
"This is already a lack of respect... there is no consideration for children or the elderly. Not even two hours of electricity here in Pedro Betancourt and the most screwed up with no possibility of improvement... here apparently there is no right to a responsible rest; but what hurts me the most is the demands towards the boys after not even having a good night... I correct some because they don't give them a chance to recover... that's my opinion," stressed a user of the grid.
"This is unbearable where I live more than 15 hours without electricity service without caring that one is self-employed and depends on that service. They do not have the dignity to notify them of the hours that are going to be affected, until when are we going to put up with so much injustice, for why they don't do it in Havana," underlines another comment.
"Dios!! Encárgate de este pueblo de Cuba!!, I'm not living, heat, mosquitoes, care, stress!!!", says another post.
The Cuban regime acknowledged that it expects protests in the months of July and August due to the effects on the electrical service, despite the fact that the UNE's speech has been that the thermoelectric plants will go into maintenance until the end of June to guarantee a summer without effects.
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