Blackout interrupts Aragón Orchestra concert in Santiago de Cuba

"Blackout with Aragón," said a concert attendee who recorded the confusion of the musicians on stage.

And Unforeseen blackout interrupted an outdoor concert by the emblematic Aragon Orchestra in Santiago de Cuba.

The incident occurred on Friday night during a presentation by the group at the Matamoros Son Festival, in the vicinity of the renowned Casa de la Trova on Heredia Street.

Journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada shared on his profile Facebook a video that an assistant sent him from the audience, in which you can see the confusion of the musicians on stage when they went dark.

"One of those present, who recorded this moment of darkness, said: 'Blackout with Aragón', thus leaving this phrase for posterity," the reporter revealed.

The information does not specify whether the electricity arrived and the concert could continue or if it came to an end at that time.

It is becoming common for sudden blackouts to force concerts to be canceled right in the middle of artists' performances.

This is what happened in April, when The power went out during a presentation by Cándido Fabré in the Guáimaro municipality, Camagüey.

A video recorded by a witness showed the singer's confusion, who only managed to look from one side to the other, make gestures with his hands as if asking what was happening, and ended up kissing the medal of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre that he is wearing. in the neck.

Days later, the musician, a strong defender of the regime, stated that The blackouts have been positive because this is how you learn to "know what it feels like", and that he does not live in shock wondering when they will turn off his electricity.

Fabré referred to the incident in Camagüey saying that if they turn off the power when he is playing, the audience stays in the place and so does he.

"After they play it, we enjoy it," he stressed.

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