Two Cubans reported dead in explosion at Manicaragua factory in Villa Clara.

One of the deceased was a young man of only 22 or 23 years old.

Ambulancia (Imagen de referencia) © Periódico26
Ambulance (Reference image)Photo © Periódico26

Two people died earlier this week in a tragic explosion at the weapons and explosives factory located in La Campana, in Manicaragua, Villa Clara province, as reported by several sources on social media.

Capture from Facebook/Manicaragua and its people

The accident allegedly occurred in the General Maintenance area and the deceased individuals were said to be a well-known refrigeration technician among the locals, named Fredy Toledo; and his assistant, a young man aged only 22 or 23 named Marcos.

Regarding the causes of the accident, various comments in Facebook groups from Manicaragua agree that it was due to the explosion of a gas cylinder. Some say it was oxygen, others nitrogen, although the most widespread version is that it was acetylene.

Facebook screenshot/Manicaragua and its people and surroundings

Although some internet users mentioned that there could have been other injuries, several residents in the area agreed that there were only two fatalities, apparently during a transfer maneuver of hazardous substances, something that is not confirmed.

Facebook screenshot/Manicaragua and its people and surroundings.

Until the publication of this note, official media outlets have not echoed the tragic accident, and therefore, there is no official information available.

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