MININT regrets the death of Corina Mestre: "One who was part of it"

The actress became linked to MININT at the age of 14, where she founded the amateur festivals in 1972.

Sede del MININT en Cuba y Corina Mestre © CiberCuba y Granma
Headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior in Cuba and Corina MestrePhoto © CiberCuba and Granma

The Ministry of the Interior (MININT) regretted the death of Cuban actress Corina Mestre, a staunch defender of the Castro regime, who died on Saturday at the age of 69.

The organization shared a photo on its Twitter account of Corina receiving a photo of Fidel Castro from former Minister of Culture Abel Prieto, along with a text that remembers her as "Fidelista, revolutionary, Martiana, patriot", and "defender of Cuban culture".

"Always faithful to MININT, of which he was a part and in which he will live eternally in the hearts of his brothers. Corina forever," reads the tweet.

The actress became linked to MININT from a very young age, as she recounted in an interview granted in 2010 to the official website of Cuban radio.

"I entered the Ministry of the Interior at the age of 14, and while I was there, in 1972, I founded the amateur festivals at MININT. I was working there until 1980, and by that time, I had many proposals (...) but due to my work, it was not possible for me, until I requested a leave. I had already started requesting it since 1978," he said at the time.

Corina Mestre had an extensive and successful career in theater, radio, film, and television, as well as a teacher at the National Art School (ENA).

Alongside her outstanding acting career, she was a staunch supporter of the government and actively took part in the political events organized by the Party and the Government.

The ruler Díaz-Canel himself lamented her passing and called her a "loyal friend, collaborator, teacher, and patriot" in a post on Twitter.

In May 2023, the actress referred to the activists and Cuban opposition members who confronted the government-supporting duo Buena Fe during their tour in Spain as "barbarians".

A year earlier, he signed the letter from the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) denying the repression by the government following the massive protests in Havana and other provinces against the blackouts.

In 2021, in relation to the November 15th march, he stated that "socialism in Cuba is irrevocable" and that this type of demonstration could not be allowed.

Mestre came out in defense of Castroism in a video in which he stated that the Cuban Constitution establishes the irreversible nature of socialism in the country and that furthermore, the entire population defends that political option.

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