A fun way for a Cuban and his little dog to travel in Havana.

Apparently, the dog really enjoys going for a ride on the motorcycle with its owner.

The love that people feel for their pets is sometimes so great that they even share with them the most everyday activities, as is the case with a young photographer in Havana, who takes his dog on a motorcycle ride and the dog seems to enjoy it a lot.

A person named Leo Koffee shared a video on Facebook this Monday showing the famous 23rd Street in Havana while strolling, and in one of the frames, his dog can be seen accompanying him.

The curious canine copilot did not make any sound during the journey that covered some streets, indicating that the animal is quite accustomed to that type of walk.

"Thank God nothing happened," the young man wrote on Facebook, as during the filming, it can be seen that he did not stop at a pedestrian crossing. "The traffic lights were green," he pointed out in the comments.

Pets become family members in response to the affection they receive.

A young Cuban man who had been away from the island for two years experienced a very special moment upon returning home from vacation to his birthplace and reuniting with his dog.

The Cuban was pleasantly surprised to discover that his pet had not forgotten him, and that just by smelling him from meters away, it was already jumping for joy at the reunion.

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