Elderly woman dies unattended at hospital in Havana: "They are criminals"

The doctors did not notice that he had passed away during the rounds. The complaint about this case highlights the poor care in Cuban healthcare centers.

Cuidadora y anciana fallecida © Facebook Michi Pichi
Caregiver and deceased elderly personPhoto © Facebook Michi Pichi

A Facebook user who identifies herself on social media as Michi Pichi, reported the death of an elderly woman in Havana, abandoned at the "General Freyre de Andrade" Clinical Surgical Hospital.

They just called me, Sonia passed away in the early morning. No one noticed, like every morning they walked by her and didn't check her vital signs. It was an accompanying person of another individual who had to report that she was dead," said the author of the complaint.

Facebook Michi Pichi

He ensures that the doctors at the mentioned health center in Cuba had registered the elderly woman as a "discharged patient", and therefore believed that "they didn't have to feed her, bathe her, or medicate her, they were simply doing charity" by having her in the room.

The case of this lonely elderly woman was already known on social media. Some people had empathized with her situation and would visit her in the hospital. If no volunteer went, "the lady remained on her own and no one cared."

Facebook Michi Pichi

"They never wanted to tell me how their tests were, what I had, why I was discharged, what they had solved, because they had not solved absolutely anything. They are criminals. The real organized crime because they cover up for each other," said the complainant about the healthcare professionals at this hospital.

Reports of deaths in Cuban hospitals, under questionable conditions and due to alleged cases of medical negligence, are becoming increasingly common.

A few weeks ago, the death of a pregnant woman was reported. Her name was Laura Castillo Zulueta, and she was initially attended to at the Daughters of Galicia Hospital in Havana.

The mother of the young woman, Janet Zulueta Curbelo, reported that the Maternity Hospital committed several acts of negligence that resulted in the death of her daughter during an emergency surgical procedure when she was seven months pregnant at the National Hospital.

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