Cuban pride! Young person graduates in Florida wearing the flag of the island.

A young Cuban woman graduated in the United States proudly wearing the Cuban flag.

A young Cuban woman in the United States has just graduated from her Florida high school proudly wearing a sash with the Cuban flag, thus paying tribute to her roots.

This moment, which quickly went viral on TikTok, was shared by its protagonist @imkarlarei1, who has gained the approval of the Cuban community on the platform, moving many people on the island with her gesture.

Among the reactions to the video, we find messages such as:

My eyes welled with tears just watching your dream come true and you carrying our flag. The pride of Cuba is felt so strongly even when far away, congratulations beautiful. I'm not one to write comments, but you deserve it. I was so proud to see you carrying that flag, despite having emigrated to this great country always proud of our Cuba's success. You deserve it. Congratulations, show the world that you carry the flag of your land, and it has been the land of freedom that supported you in reaching the goal. The journey begins now. Good luck. With tears in my eyes, I just told my 11-year-old son to always remember where he comes from, his roots, to be very proud of being from our beautiful island. Such pride in achieving your goals and proudly displaying our flag above all else, my respects. I was moved to tears seeing how proudly you wore the flag. Congratulations on your graduation. May all your dreams come true.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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