The author of the controversial Fidel Castro poster in Miami says, "It continues to be a free country."

Claude Taylor, promoter of the controversial billboard, addressed the people upset with the advertisement and suggested that they fund another similar one with the image of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

Polémico cartel en Miami. © X / Claude Taylor
Controversial poster in Miami.Photo © X / Claude Taylor

Claude Taylor, leader of an anti-Trump Political Action Committee responsible for a billboard in North Miami that compares Donald Trump to Fidel Castro and labels him as a "dictator," expressed on social media on Wednesday that "the United States remains a free country."

In a post on the social network X, Taylor expressed: "Do you hate our billboard? Guess what? This country remains free," in response to Trump's followers who have demanded that the billboard be removed.

Furthermore, ironically, he urged those who have protested against the poster to contribute to making one about Nicolás Maduro, the current president of Venezuela.

In another post on the social network X, Taylor addressed angry people warning them: "They don't like Fidel as a dictator, but they are willing to embrace a dictatorship under Trump."

At the same time, in a sarcastic manner, he asked: "Should we keep the sign up for another week?"

The controversial billboard was placed in Miami amidst the electoral campaign for the United States presidential elections in 2024.

The advertisement is on the Palmetto Expressway, at the level of 67th Avenue. It was paid for by the Mad Dog PAC group and shows an image of former President Trump next to the deceased Cuban leader Castro, with the message "No to dictators, no to Trump".

The PAC was founded by the Democrat Taylor, who was an employee of the White House during Bill Clinton's administration.

The comparison has outraged Trump's followers, who argue that it is inappropriate to equate the former Republican president with Castro.

Recently, a group of Cubans residing in Miami has expressed their outrage, promising that if the advertising is not removed, they will close Palmetto Expressway in protest.

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