Safety instructions from a flight attendant on a flight to Cuba: "You will see the little fish or the sharks will find us."

"It is to relax the arrival in Cuba, which must be strong; I'm sure a good power outage will greet us," commented a passenger.

A passenger who recently traveled to Cuba recorded a funny video in which the flight attendant can be heard giving safety instructions in such a witty way that everyone on the plane burst into laughter.

The TikTok user identified as maajela shared the recording, in which you can hear the flight attendant explaining the measures that travelers must follow during the flight, with humorous phrases like "buckle up the belt around your little waist."

"The life jacket has a light that will automatically turn on in the water and the little fish or the sharks will find us," he said, prompting laughter.

"We love you, but we don't trust you, that's why we go through the seats to check that your seatbelts are properly fastened," added the woman, who by her accent does not seem to be Cuban but Latina.

This happened on a Southwest Airlines flight last Monday, June 10th.

For maajela, the flight attendant's humor is to relax people before arriving in Cuba.

"We're probably going to experience a power outage," he commented.

The flight landed without any issues, and the passenger posted another video showing the passengers applauding the pilot.

"This happens when you land in Cuba," he claimed, an expression that sparked a debate about whether Cubans are the only ones who often show their appreciation to the crew for a good trip in this way, or if it is a common practice in other places.

What do you think?


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