"He abused my daughter at school and only spent one month in jail."

The teacher had already had a similar incident at another school. In March, he was placed in pretrial detention after a complaint from the minor's family, but he paid 15,000 Cuban pesos for bail and was released. There is still no trial date set.

The Cuban mother who last March reported that her 15-year-old daughter had been raped by the vice-principal of the Panchito Gómez Toro Polytechnic in Holguín, where the minor was attending and who has been diagnosed with severe intellectual disability, has decided to come out of anonymity.

The events date back to December 2023, when the man, leveraging his authority, took the teenager at 7:00 am to a classroom located on the fourth floor of the school, locked the door with a padlock, and engaged in non-consensual sexual relations with her, as the girl wanted to leave the room and he did not allow it. However, the Cuban justice system initially ruled that if the adolescent, who was a young lady, did not scream, it is not considered rape but a lesser offense.

Following a complaint by the mother and the publication of the case in CiberCuba, the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Holguín rectified the decision and decreed provisional prison for Miguel Antonio R. S., former deputy director of the Panchito Gómez Toro polytechnic in that city. However, "he only served one month of pretrial detention" because he was released after paying a bond of 15,000 pesos, explains the mother, desperate because there is still no date for the trial and that man is out on the street.

"My daughter felt afraid to go out and come across this pervert," adds the mother, who has resumed her "battle" for her daughter and family's peace of mind. She also recalls that the first time the teacher was arrested, he was released after three days."

In January (of 2024) I resume everything and upon seeing the delay in the process, I make the case public, I write to the Presidency, to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic, and to other institutions. The case is slowly picked up again. Since all this began, the case file has already gone through three different prosecutors," she says to add that the alleged rapist had already been in another school and was transferred after a mother's complaint about the "excessive confidence" he had with her daughter. "He didn't like it and requested a transfer in July, and in September he started working at Panchito Gómez Toro, where he would start hunting my daughter." According to the mother, the assistant principal gave candy to the girl and watched her constantly in his classroom, the hallways, and the physical education class.

After tireless struggle, my writings on social media and in every instance that I wrote, the prosecutor decides to approve pretrial detention, and on March 4th, he is taken to prison. He spends only one month there. His lawyer requests his release on bail, claiming that what I, as the mother of the girl, said - that she did not have a mindset appropriate for her chronological age - was all a lie.

On April 24th, I was summoned to the pediatric hospital where I was informed that a medical evaluation would be conducted on my daughter. More than 5 specialists representing a provincial legal committee were present. They determined that despite my daughter's medical history noting that she had been seen by several psychologists and psychiatrists since she was five, none had diagnosed the mental delay she presented. At 15 years old, a mental delay could not be diagnosed at a glance, so my daughter had to be admitted to the Psychiatry ward for three days. After several tests were conducted, it was determined that she has a borderline and reduced mental capacity, which is not a mental delay since she socializes, which is justified by the fact that the girl has always socialized with normal people and attended regular schools despite not meeting objectives.

The mother explains that the girl was diagnosed with a borderline intellectual functioning, tendency towards concrete thinking, communication difficulties, dependency, easily influenced, vulnerability to the environment, decision-making difficulties, feelings of inferiority, complexes, and a mental age below her chronological age.

They have also detected that she is anxious, has a high pain threshold, is immature, identifies with younger children, sees little characters, is obsessive-compulsive, and is sensitive to negative criticism.

The mother says that academically, the girl adapted well to the preschool and primary school, although she was always average and never achieved the grade-level objectives, as stated in a report made on May 30th.

"I want to keep thinking that I live in a country that administers justice in the face of wrongdoing and does not allow itself to be extorted. I want to believe that the legal process will not be tainted just because this individual has a family member who works in State Security or is a police officer. I only ask that this individual pays for what they did because this could only have happened there at school, as my child is not someone who roams the streets at night or anything like that, and we are aware of the dangers of the streets. This man continues to roam freely while my family cannot sleep peacefully, and will not rest until this SOB is behind bars. After 8 months, the process remains the same," concludes.

What do you think?


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Tania Costa

(Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. She has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was the head of the Murcia edition of 20 minutes and Communication Advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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