Friends pay tribute to teenager murdered in Havana

Dozens of people, mostly young, gathered in front of the boy's house where they sang the song "Amanece" by Yomil and El Dany.

Friends of the Cuban teenager Jean Franco, who was murdered on Thursday in Centro Habana, paid tribute to him at his doorstep by singing the songs he loved.

Dozens of people, mostly young, gathered on Friday night in front of the boy's house, where they placed flowers, candles, and stuck photos of him on the wall.

The internet user Yanelis Gómez Delgado shared a video on her Facebook wall in which the group is seen performing the song "Amanece" by Yomil and El Dany.

It was a heartfelt tribute to the teenager of just 17 years old, who was stabbed twice during an argument over a music issue. Some versions indicate that the crime occurred while he was in a recording studio, while others claim that he was killed in Trillo Park, very close to his house.

"Today at midnight I will play your song ('If tomorrow dawns'), I will light a candle for you and from here I will be watching over your death. We will never forget you," Yunisleidys Cabrejas expressed on her wall.

Facebook screenshot / Yunisleidys Cabrejas

Hours before, family members, friends, and acquaintances bid him farewell with songs at the funeral home until the coffin was placed in the hearse for transportation to the cemetery.

"You were part of the family and in general, you were a very charismatic and cheerful child, full of dreams and ideas. A child who was fighting for your dreams and suddenly they take you away from this world..." lamented a family member on Facebook.

The exact circumstances of the murder are still uncertain.

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