A young married couple who died in a motorcycle accident in Cárdenas has been identified.

The couple left behind a young child. According to witnesses, both were traveling on a Kawasaki moped that caught fire after crashing into a tree.

Tomás y Amanda fallecieron en el accidente de tránsito © Facebook/Amanda Hernandez
Tomás and Amanda died in the traffic accident.Photo © Facebook/Amanda Hernandez

Tomás Horta León and Amanda Hernández have been identified as the two young Cubans who died on Friday in Cárdenas, Matanzas, after crashing into a tree near the roundabout that borders the city cemetery.

Through various publications on Facebook, the names of the deceased in the accident that occurred around 7:00 pm could be known. The couple left behind a young child.

Among the numerous reactions, user Vazquezpousada MaikolSandra posted a heartfelt message: I ask God to grant them the best place in heaven to continue watching over that little angel. Life is unpredictable, he wrote.

Facebook post/Vazquezpousada MaikolSandra

On her part, Rosse Franque, cousin of the deceased, also dedicated a few words and a video with images of moments they shared. Rest in peace to them and our condolences from here to the whole family. It has truly been terrible news.

Facebook post/Rosse Franque

According to witnesses, both were traveling on a Kawasaki motorcycle that caught on fire after crashing into the tree.

As reported by the Telebandera telecenter, people at the scene revealed that the moped was traveling at high speed.

Facebook/Telebandera Publication

The causes of the tragic incident are still being investigated.

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