Cubana offers reward for lost dog in Havana: "My child is going crazy"

He disappeared on July 9th in the Playa area, specifically on 36th and 29th streets.

Linda © Facebook/Yanari Pérez
BeautifulPhoto © Facebook/Yanari Pérez

The Cuban Yanari Pérez, resident of the municipality Playa in Havana, is offering a reward to whoever finds and returns her dog, lost for four days.

Pérez and his family's desperation has grown over time, especially due to the emotional impact that the absence of their pet has had on their young son.

Please, my little dog got lost. If anyone sees her, let me know, she responds to Linda. My child is going crazy," implored through a message shared on Facebook.

Facebook Post

Linda, a small breed dog, disappeared in the Playa area, specifically at 36th and 29th streets, on July 9th, according to a post the following day.

The family has been searching for her tirelessly, but so far they have not been successful in finding her.

Facebook Post

"It's already been four days and my little dog still hasn't appeared. Her name is Linda, please, we are desperate. A reward will be given to whoever returns her to me," Pérez reiterated in another call this Saturday.

For any information, Yanari Pérez can be contacted at the number 58186841.

Social networks have become an effective means for searching for people and pets in Cuba.

Last April, a young man offered a reward of 50,000 pesos for his lost dog in Havana, and around the same time, another Cuban asked for help and offered a reward of 20,000 pesos to find his cat, lost in the La Víbora area in the same city.

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