A Cuban in the United States reacts to prices in supermarkets: "Everything I earn goes to food".

The market is already a luxury that the poor cannot afford.

The Cuban Noelia Freire, (@noeliafreire4 on TikTok), has sparked reactions on the internet with her recent video about prices in supermarkets in the United States.

"If it weren't for this constant craving, one could save a little more at least," she says in the video before showing how the amount she has to pay is increasing. In her post, Noelia expressed the frustration of many by stating, "All the money I earn goes towards food."

"And even though I come with my belly button buttoned up. Let's see how things go, how quickly it goes up. To me it seems like it's going through twice. I left the meat because there's no one to sink their teeth into it," he adds in his words, in which, with irony but a good dose of truth, he refers to the high prices.

"I believe that from now on, I'm going vegan to avoid having to buy meat. Things are too expensive, no way. I'm going to eat more grass than a goat now, but this situation has to change. Hey, if you get a pain in your chest when that woman is scanning," he is heard saying in the video where he claims to be 'considering' going vegan "because meat is unaffordable. I'm going to eat more grass than a goat now."

Now for lunch, what I'm going to eat is a piece of bread with tomato, oil, and salt. I used to eat that in Cuba and didn't die of hunger, that keeps you alive,” she adds in the viral video, where she even jokes about "bringing a Special Period to the United States, you'll see. I'm going to have power outages after 7 to 10, a blackout every day, and meat will be eaten once a week and chicken.”

His words have generated thousands of reactions and comments on TikTok, where users have shared their own experiences and tips for saving on purchases.

"That sound hurts more than the hospital machine"; "Very true, everything is so expensive but on second thought, you're lucky because you can eat frozen fish that your husband brings you. Blessings"; "What hurts is not what you pay for food, it's what you pay for rent. Rent is the reason why people in the United States are living worse and worse"; "At Publix, us poor folks can't buy unless we have food stamps"; "Now, to fill a cart is at least 500"; "Love, go to Aldi, it's cheaper"; "Not even vegan anymore, salad is super expensive"; "Everything is so expensive. I'm going to try this thing of having power outages from 7 to 10 and having meat twice a week"; "That sound paralyzes the desire to eat," some commented among the hundreds of messages that the post has generated.

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