Obama says Biden should seriously consider his candidacy.

Obama has told his allies that he is concerned that the polls are moving away from Biden and that donors are abandoning the president.

Barack Obama y Joe Biden años atrás © X / Barack Obama
Barack Obama and Joe Biden years agoPhoto © X / Barack Obama

Former United States President Barack Obama stated on Thursday that Joe Biden should seriously consider his candidacy for the upcoming elections, as the path to a Democratic victory has significantly narrowed.

According to the Washington Post, the former president has told his allies that he is concerned that the polls are moving away from Biden while Trump's electoral trajectory is expanding, and that donors are abandoning the president.

Obama, who considers his role as that of an advisor, has been clear that his concern is to protect Biden and his legacy, and that only he should decide the future of the candidacy.

The American newspaper states that they have only spoken once since the fateful debate with Trump in which Biden gave a terrible impression. Obama, who immediately came out to defend him by saying that bad nights happen, has remained silent since then, but behind the scenes, he is actively involved in discussions about the future of Biden's campaign.

Concern is growing within the ranks of the Democratic Party as they see Biden's numbers dropping in national polls, even in the northern states.

Donors, activists, and Democratic elected officials are increasingly turning to a small group of veteran elected leaders to help them navigate the crisis arising from Biden's failed performance in the debate on June 27th," the article states.

More and more voices are demanding that the president abandon the campaign for re-election.

One of them was the famous actor George Clooney, a recognized Democratic activist and personal friend of Biden, who published an article in The New York Times in which he pointed out that he is too old to continue leading the country, and warned that if he does not retire, the Party will lose the elections.

"I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As vice president and as president. I consider him a friend and believe in him. I believe in his character. I believe in his morals. In the past four years, he has won many of the battles he has faced. But the only battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can," he wrote.

The Hollywood star referred to a recent fundraising event for Biden that took place in June, where she noticed the deterioration of the president.

"It's devastating to say, but the Joe Biden I saw three weeks ago at the fundraising event was not the Joe Biden of 2010. It wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. It was the same man we all saw in the debate," he said.

It's about age. Nothing else, but also nothing that can be reversed. We're not going to win in November with this president," he emphasized.

The former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, also suggested to the president that he reconsider his decision to stay in the race for reelection.

"It is up to the president to decide whether to run. We are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is of the essence," said Pelosi, who emphasized that she would support him "regardless of what he decides."

"I have told everyone: let's wait a bit. Whatever you are thinking, say it in private, but it is not necessary to bring it to light until we see how we are doing this week," he commented.

Pelosi, who enjoys great respect within the Party, believes it would be "essential" for Biden to grant "not one, maybe two" impromptu interviews to journalists to demonstrate his abilities without a teleprompter. "That would be great for him," she emphasized.

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