They applaud the Cuban woman for daring to upload videos on TikTok from her home: "We cannot pretend to be who we are not."

Cuban woman from Pennsylvania goes viral after deciding to share videos of her home.

A Cuban resident in Pennsylvania has moved the TikTok community with an honest and authentic video. In the video, the woman explains her dilemma about sharing content on the platform due to the appearance of her home.

"I was thinking a lot about whether to upload this video because all the girls who make this type of content have very beautiful houses, and mine is not the prettiest. But in the end, I decided to upload it because we cannot pretend to be what we are not. This is my reality and this is my house. And I should not be ashamed of that, here I am happy and it is more important to have the house clean and organized," expressed @eli96114 sincerely before showing herself cooking and cleaning her home.

The video went viral, and words of support were quick to come. Many users praised her bravery and authenticity with messages such as:

"That's right, the important thing is happiness, my love. Finances come and go," "New follower. Don't feel sorry about your house, the important thing is you have a roof over your head with God’s grace, also your house is beautiful," "Your house is beautiful, don't stop posting videos for that reason. As you say, the most important thing is cleanliness," "Why should you be ashamed? Perhaps you are happier than anyone who has a beautiful house. Greetings and blessings," "I see a lovely house and a beautiful home."

This message, filled with honesty that reflects bravery on the part of this Cuban woman, has deeply resonated with many, reminding us that true beauty lies in authenticity and gratitude for what one has.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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