They report medical negligence in the death of the news editor in Cuba.

The 33-year-old Cuban journalist passed away this week in Havana, a victim of dengue, according to statements from a source to the independent press. Official media did not report the cause of death.

Periodista cubana Magda Iris Chirolde López © Facebook Magda Iris Chirolde López
Cuban journalist Magda Iris Chirolde LópezPhoto © Facebook Magda Iris Chirolde López

Friends of the late Cuban journalist Magda Iris Chirolde López, who was the editor-in-chief of the news sections of Canal Caribe, reported a possible case of medical negligence following her death.

"Magda Iris Chirolde died due to medical negligence and although nothing will bring her back, this is also a way to honor her. A worthy, genuine, sincere way… The records say she died of dengue, they say. The screams of a mother claim otherwise," said Alejandro Trujillo Valdés on Facebook.

Facebook Alejandro Trujillo Valdés

He explained that he is a friend of the deceased and shared a heartfelt message stating that the family and loved ones are not looking for someone to blame for this tragic death, but he clarifies that it is important to report that it could be a new case of medical negligence in Cuba.

"Young, healthy, newly married. Then, the inevitable comes: Why? The media replicate her death like funeral bells. Everyone talks about Magda and it hurts, but it hurts more to look for the curved side of the circle as a way to comfort the screams of a mother, her mother, who repeats again and again: 'They let her die, they killed my girl,'" Trujillo said.

Facebook Alejandro Trujillo Valdés

The passing of Magda Iris Chirolde López occurred on Wednesday night, at the age of 33, due to a cause that was initially not reported by the state media.

On Thursday, a source told the independent media 14ymedio that the death was reportedly due to dengue. The young woman died while waiting to be treated in the emergency room of the Freyre de Andrade Clinical Surgical Hospital (Emergencies) in the Centro Habana municipality.

The friend of the deceased explained that they belonged to a group of young people who met in pre-university. "We are friends forever, like a kind of brotherhood; without too many codes or subtleties. Together we created a bond that transcends time, borders, political beliefs, or status," he explained.

Facebook Alejandro Trujillo Valdés

She "was always the most mature and disciplined of all. The first to respond, the only one who never ran away. Magda was so proper to the very core of that word." Upon learning about the death of this young Cuban, the group came together in grief and sorrow.

"No words were needed, we all came together, those from here, those from there, those from the other side of the Atlantic, those from the left, those from the right. There we all were, without an appointment, without conventions, without those human formulas to measure everything. Together, as so many times before," said Trujillo, and with affection, he dedicated a final goodbye to Magda, on behalf of Group 9, which will always remember her.

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