Two men arrested for robbery at CIMEX branch in Matanzas.

According to a report from a page linked to the Ministry of the Interior, Omar Danis Camacho Rodríguez and Gabriel Díaz Cairo were captured.

Cigarros H.Upmann (foto de referencia) ©
H.Upmann Cigars (reference photo)Photo ©

Two Cuban citizens were arrested for allegedly stealing from a CIMEX branch in the municipality of Colón, Matanzas, it was revealed on social media.

The news became public on Facebook through the profile "Con Todos La Victoria," associated with the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) of the island, which provided details of the event.

According to the information, "the National Revolutionary Police detained Omar Danis Camacho Rodríguez and Gabriel Díaz Cairo for being the authors" of the robbery.

Facebook post/With Everyone, Victory

He also stated that in the search conducted at Gabriel's house, they found significant amounts of money, as well as cigars linked to the robbery.

The page also added that "both have multiple criminal records for theft, burglaries, and offenses against livestock."

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