Two police officers from the motorized unit who died in an accident in Camagüey are bid farewell.

The deceased motorcyclists were bid farewell by agents of the Revolutionary National Police in Camagüey.

Sepelio de policías de la motorizada © Facebook/Día DE LA Rebeldía Nacional
Funeral of motorcycle police officersPhoto © Facebook/National Rebellion Day

Lieutenant Amed Bressler Rodríguez and Chief Non-Commissioned Officer Yuniesky Muñiz Pacio, the two officers of the motorcycle unit who died on Monday afternoon in Camagüey, were honored with a farewell in that province.

"The province of Camagüey sadly bids farewell to two valuable young people who lost their lives in the line of duty," they wrote on the official profile "Día DE LA Rebeldía Nacional."

Facebook capture/National Rebellion Day

In the post, which is accompanied by several photos from the funeral of the two young men, one can see how members of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) accompany the coffins.

Facebook/National Rebellion Day

Amed and Yuniesky lost their lives in a traffic accident on the Central Highway, near the vicinity of the Camagüey municipality of Sibanicú.

Initially, the causes of the accident were not clarified. However, it later became known that a Lada car hit them while the motorcyclists were escorting a caravan.

Facebook Capture / The Scissors

It was also learned that Yuniesky was a resident of the town of Jiqui, in the Camagüey municipality of Sibanicú.

"A car came head-on at them, they were in a caravan," wrote a user in the Facebook group "ACCIDENTES BUSES & CAMIONES por más experiencia y menos víctimas!".

"A car coming from the opposite direction lost control and hit them," added another person.

Screenshot from Facebook/Yuni De Cuba

In videos shared in the Facebook group "Accidentes automovilísticos en cuba," it was possible to observe the rapid movement of ambulances in the city of Camagüey.

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