Caravana accompanies the mortal remains of beloved truck driver from Santiago de Cuba who died in an accident.

The funeral of the deceased truck driver will take place this Friday in the II Frente municipality, in Santiago de Cuba.

On the night of this Thursday, a caravan of dozens of motorcycles escorted the mortal remains of "Triao," a beloved truck driver who passed away in a traffic accident in Ciego de Ávila, in which another young person also died and several others were injured.

"Triao has just arrived in his town, and the motorcyclists and truck drivers pay their deserved tribute with respect. Fly high, friend," wrote internet user Ernesto Rey Zapata on social media alongside a video that showed an impressive caravan of dozens of motorcycles following the hearse.

Facebook Capture/Ernesto Rey Zapata

"Your town welcomes you as it should be 'The Jugo forever,'" wrote Roger Wanton Martínez, referring to "Jugo," the nickname by which the deceased truck driver was known.

Facebook capture/Ernesto Rey Zapata

Previously, in another massive event, the deceased driver -identified on social media as Triao Henry- had received another tribute from dozens of truck drivers who honked their horns in a unanimous clamor in tribute and remembrance of someone who was clearly a beloved person among his colleagues, neighbors, and friends.

The journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada reported that the remains of Triao are being laid to rest at the funeral home in his municipality and that he will be buried this Friday in the local cemetery.

The tragic accident

The causes of the accident in which Triao died are not entirely clear, although various reports on social media reveal that a tire came off the vehicle he was driving.

Numerous colleagues of the truck driver emphasized in recent hours that the deceased truck driver was an experienced driver.

In the other car involved in the accident was a couple and their son, residents of Gaspar, in the municipality of Baraguá, Ciego de Ávila. The woman, 32 years old, died but her husband and the child survived.

Regarding the driver who was accompanying the deceased driver in the truck, reports indicate that he is injured.

What is not clear is the number of people who were traveling in the passenger truck.

The shocking images released showed that the red truck crashed so hard into a tree that it took firefighters many hours to extract the fatal victim from the cabin.

In recent weeks, a rising number of serious accidents has been reported across Cuba, many of them resulting in fatalities.

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