El Yonki releases a song dedicated to his mom on what would have been her 58th birthday.

"Santa" is the title of this theme that begins with the last audio messages exchanged between mother and son.

This August 3rd is a day of great nostalgia for El Yonki; his mom would have turned 58 years old, but in light of the yearning and sadness imposed by her absence, there is no greater gift than dedicating the most important song of his career to her.

The Cuban reggaeton artist premiered "Santa" this Saturday, a beautiful and heartfelt song he made for his mother.

"Happy birthday, mom. Today you would be turning 58 years old, and although we are in different places, you in heaven and I here on earth, I want you to know that I will never forget you; you will always live in my heart. I wish I had a ladder tall enough to reach the sky and give you a big hug and tell you how much I love you... Life has not been the same since you left; I miss your smile, your advice, your love, your voice, and above all, I need you, mom," wrote El Yonki on his Instagram alongside a picture of himself and another of his mother.

"Today the most beautiful and important song of my career is coming out, and it's my gift to you for your birthday... thank you for everything you have done for me," added the singer.

The reggaeton artist's partner, Ani Dieppa, also described in a few words on Instagram to remember her mother-in-law on this date: “Happy birthday to heaven, mommy, oh old lady come fight with me, come argue, give me advice, I miss you so much, beautiful black woman. I will never have a happy birthday like you used to say, we are strong because we are Leos, a kiss to heaven mimi, we miss you old lady, nothing is the same anymore.”

The song by El Yonki, available on his YouTube channel, starts with the last audio messages he shared with his mom before her passing last May, after battling a painful illness.

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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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