The Yankees

Alejandro Santoya, known in the artistic world as "El Yonki", is an outstanding Cuban singer who has left an indelible mark on the music scene. Born in Cuba, Alejandro has gained recognition and admiration not only for his musical talent, but also for his charisma both on and off stage.

Since its beginnings, The Yankees He has demonstrated an innate vocation and aptitude for music. His compositions are characterized by catchy lyrics and exquisite mixes, many of which he produces in collaboration with the talented and renowned DJ UNIC. These characteristics have led to his songs being widely recognized and appreciated by the public.

Beyond his musical career, Alejandro has experienced emotional moments in his personal life, such as the reunion with his daughter after three years apart. This moment was shared with his followers through a moving video on social networks, showing the human and family side of the artist.

In the Cuban musical field, especially in the urban genre, The Yankees has been a key figure in the evolution and growth of this music in recent years. Despite his humble origins, he has managed to climb positions in the world of entertainment, becoming one of the most representative voices of urban music in Cuba.

Alexander "The Yonki" Santoya is an artist who combines talent, passion and charisma, leaving an indelible mark in the hearts of his followers and in the musical history of Cuba.