Cuban on the delinquency of her compatriots in the USA: "It makes me sad that they think we are all the same."

"They don’t arrive here with the mindset that one must work, that everything requires effort, that you can work, you can study, you can learn how to live in societies," the young woman explained.

For many Cubans, the United States is the land of opportunity, a place to get ahead in all aspects of life; however, not a few have fallen into crime upon stepping on American soil, having problems with the law.

A young Cuban, who goes by the name @teresacreandoestilofg on TikTok, reflected on that social network about the bad decisions of some compatriots that end up affecting the image of Cubans in the USA.

"Today I woke up to the news of another Cuban breaking the laws of this country, and I don't know what is happening because we come here to the United States or to any country that welcomes us because we are leaving our country because there is no work, because there is no economy, because there is no food, and one wants to improve and be able to help our people," he began saying in his video.

"They don't come here with the mindset that one has to work, that everything requires effort, that one can work, study, and learn how to live in societies, about how this country or whatever country welcomes you has laws, and I believe one should respect the laws. I'm seeing so much crime from our compatriots that it makes me sad that they think we are all the same and that every time someone says 'Cuban,' they can't feel proud because of the so much vulgarity, crudeness, and theft behind it," he added.

With sadness, the young woman said that "not all of us are the same," but she also feels very upset and outraged that the news is flooded with cases of Cubans with legal issues, including several artists.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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