A driver urged motorists in Centro Habana to stay alert for an attitude that could be a new robbery strategy.
An anonymous participant in the popular Facebook group Accidents Buses & Trucks reported that on the morning of this Friday, around 7:50 a.m., he was taking his mother to work when, at the corner of Industria and San Lázaro streets, two individuals stopped him to ask for his license because he was supposedly going the wrong way.
"Two individuals almost got in front of me, partially showing me an upside-down ID card from their pants pocket, demanding my license because I was supposedly going the wrong way. It goes without saying that I accelerated and left them shouting and demanding the license," explained the protagonist of the scene.
"Firstly, they did not identify themselves as anything, just with an identity card upside down; secondly, I was not going in the opposite direction; and thirdly, they were dressed in plain clothes. It goes without saying that they were hunting for easy prey to snatch the wallet, that's what I reasoned in five seconds," the driver added.
In the final segment of his post, the driver who experienced the unusual incident firsthand urged other drivers never to pull out their wallet to show documents unless those requesting them present a real identification and are in uniform.
"They are desperate and no longer know what they are going to come up with," he concluded.
In the comments section, several internet users thanked for the advice and agreed that criminals have become very creative.
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