Latina reacts to hospital bill in the United States: "All this money to not feel better"

The viral bill of a Latina for going to the hospital in the United States

A Mexican resident in the United States (@.darig) has shared her experience regarding the high costs of healthcare through two viral TikTok videos. In her videos, the woman explained how, although she usually travels to Mexico for medical care, this time she was forced to go to a hospital in the United States, resulting in a bill of thousands of dollars.

"I have never been to the hospital here, I always go to Mexico, but this time I had to go. I feel like it's going to be about three thousand dollars. I was in the hospital for like six hours, they did tests, they gave me an IV," she commented before seeing the bill that arrived with the amount due for this service. "The total was 1,288 dollars and seven cents. All this money for not feeling better, the medicines didn’t do anything for me. They just told me what I had. Here they break down everything they charged me. Just for going to the emergency room, it's 1,600 dollars. I was expecting something worse. I don’t have insurance or anything, so I will have to pay this. That’s how it is in the United States," she recounted in her first video, resigned.

However, many users told her that it would not be the only bill she would receive, and that's what happened. Weeks later, this Mexican shared the second bill that arrived. An amount even greater than the first.

"Many told me that it wasn't the only bill that was going to arrive, and that's how it turned out. I got another bill. 2,350 dollars. I think it's the doctor's bill. I don't know. But I'm sure more will come. It's crazy. It's so much money for me not to feel better. I'm sure another one is going to come," she added.

The woman's testimony has generated intense debate on social media, highlighting the differences in healthcare costs between the United States and other countries.

"In Spain, all of that is free," "Mine cost three thousand 500 dollars," "I think it even turned out to be cheap for you," or "Unfortunately, the real American dream that people don't talk about," are some of the reactions to this video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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