A Cuban arrested for assaulting motorcyclists in broad daylight in El Vedado.

The subject was captured by workers from the electric company who were working at the site and by neighbors, who held him until the police arrived.

The Havana Police arrested a man for assaulting motorcyclists in broad daylight in El Vedado.

According to what Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona, a neighborhood delegate in the area, shared on his Facebook profile, this Friday a young woman was riding her scooter on street N between 25 and 27 when a criminal approached her and took her belongings.

"The young woman went to the PNR unit to file a complaint, but workers from the underground electrical company who were working at the scene and neighbors noticed how the despicable antisocial element returned to the site to continue committing misdeeds," he reported.

"They proceeded to capture and detain him until the arrival of patrol car 659 (...). Thanks to these brave street officers," he added.

Facebook Capture / Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona

Garcés Escalona shared a photo of the thief, a man on the street being held by two other men who were immobilizing him while two police officers held his arms, and another one where he is already standing and handcuffed.

Photo: Facebook / Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona

A third image allows us to see him inside the patrol car.

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