A violent assault and kidnapping of a family in their own home in San Germán, Holguín has been reported.

The three people were gagged by the wrongdoers for an hour.

  • CiberCuba Editorial

A family from San Germán, in the province of Holguín, experienced moments of tension and uncertainty during a violent assault that resulted in an hour of kidnapping, according to reports that have emerged in recent hours on social media.

The family consisted of three individuals: a woman, her husband, and a minor, who is the woman's grandson.

Facebook Capture

According to the site Click-Cuba, which cites local sources, three "heavily armed" individuals "broke into the home, subjecting its inhabitants to an hour of anguish and fear."

The three individuals were gagged by the criminals for an hour, during which time they took the MZ motorcycle, the woman's gold chain, her earrings, and several appliances.

They also stole several food items from the regulated basic basket and took a bottle of oil, reflecting the serious shortage that the country is experiencing.

This information has been replicated by several profiles dedicated to denouncing the critical situation in which Cuban society lives.

Among them, the Facebook profile Edmundo Dantés Junior added that "the son of the lady (a resident in the United States) is offering a reward of 2,000 dollars for any information about those involved."

Facebook Capture/Edmundo Dantés Junior

Specifically, a person who used the comments section of the post pointed out that the woman's son is a coworker of theirs in the United States and confirmed the account of this event.

"The lady's son works with me here in the United States. They took all the clothes to the mother and a new motorcycle just sent to Cuba. We are work colleagues. And I forgot to mention they took all the groceries and some bags of rice," he noted.

On TikTok, the user identified as León Republicano provided an interview with a family member of the victims who resides in the United States, who confirmed the theft.

"My mom has a swollen hand. They haven't arrested anyone or done anything," he said, referring to the police's actions and the lack of arrests of any suspects to date.

"We had never seen anything like this in our neighborhood. It's worrying how far the situation has gone," said a shocked neighbor about the incident to Click-Cuba.

Facebook Capture/La Tijera

Insecurity has reached alarming levels in Cuban society. In an ongoing effort to find those primarily responsible, a massacre occurred over the weekend in the town of Ceballos, Ciego de Ávila, where four people were brutally killed, all due to a robbery at a home.

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