The driver of the Transtur bus involved in the accident in Santiago de Cuba is still reported to be in critical condition.

The accident occurred last Wednesday on the national highway, in the section from Irijoa to Arroyo Blanco.

Accidente en Santiago de Cuba © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Accident in Santiago de CubaPhoto © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Henry Yanes Díaz, the driver of the Transtur bus that had a mass accident last Wednesday in the municipality of Palma Soriano, in Santiago de Cuba, is still reported to be in serious condition.

This is how several internet users informed the concern of a user in the Facebook group "Bus Drivers Forever" about the health status of the 36-year-old driver and resident of El Cotorro, Havana.

Facebook Capture/Osmany Fernández Arenal

On the day of the incident, the authorities reported that Yanes Díaz was in critical condition and in danger of life, and since then nothing more has been heard from him.

A bus driver from La Lisa thanked everyone for their concern for the injured man and said, “his health condition is very delicate, he continues to be reported as critical although there are slight signs of improvement, let's say rather vital signs. One of his legs was amputated and one of his arms is very damaged, and he is still breathing with assistance.”

His description of Henry's condition matches that of other internet users, who lamented that the young driver has lost one of his legs.

"With God's favor, he is still reported as serious but not critical. He has evolved little by little, but we all, his colleagues, have faith that he will get through this at least alive. All of us colleagues are aware of his condition, and his wife sends us updates every time they give them, and our drivers who are in Santiago are also with them," stated an internet user who appears to be a coworker of Henry.

In the accident, which occurred on the National Highway, in the section from Irijoa to Arroyo Blanco, nine people were injured, two of them seriously. Passenger Ricardo Matos Reyes, 58 years old and a resident of the city of Guantánamo, is reported to be in serious condition but not in danger of death. The other seven injured suffered minor injuries.

In a video revealing the moment of the driver's rescue, six men can be seen, including some firefighters, carrying the injured person on a stretcher and moving him to the road, while someone is heard shouting, "A car, a car!"

The greatest damage to the bus was primarily in the front section, which explains the severity of the driver's condition.

The vehicle was carrying 40 Cuban travelers from Havana to Santiago and collided with a truck from the Unión Eléctrica that was heading toward Contramaestre. After the crash, the bus crashed into a house.

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