Florida lawyer manages humanitarian visa to bring El Taiger's eldest daughter to the U.S.

The lawyer pointed out that despite not agreeing with some of the attitudes of the minor's father, "this is not the time for personal judgments."

El Taiger junto a su abuela y a la mayor de sus hijas © Instagram/El Taiger
El Taiger junto a su abuela y a la mayor de sus hijas.Photo © Instagram/El Taiger

The immigration lawyer Miguel Inda-Romero announced that he would take care of processing a humanitarian visa so that the eldest daughter of the Cuban reggaeton artist El Taiger can travel from Havana to Miami to see her father, who is in critical condition after being shot in the head.

Inda-Romero emphasized that, although he does not agree with the artist's decisions, this is not a moment for personal judgments, but for humanity.

"Yesterday I was contacted to help El Taiger's little daughter who is in Cuba with a humanitarian visa to come see her dad. I want to clarify and make it very clear that I do not agree with the opinions and decisions of El Taiger, but now is not the time for that. Above all, there is humanity, and I am going to help that girl see her father because she is not to blame for anything," the lawyer wrote in an Instagram post, which he later deleted for reasons unknown.

"We must ask God for his life and put any opinion aside. If we don’t do that, we are behaving just like those who have caused us so much harm. No one deserves what happened to El Taiger. Only God can judge us," the lawyer concluded.

So far, it is not clear why he deleted the statement, which was also cited by Telemundo 51.

In a story on their Instagram profile, which is now available, it could be read:

"Before criticizing me, understand that I do not agree with how El Taiger thinks and acts. Now I want the human being José Manuel Carbajal to recover soon. This is about humanity. I will help his daughter come to see her father. I am nobody to deny him that opportunity. The only one who can judge me is God, for him and for all the sick, also for political prisoners. Wishing harm to someone who is fighting for their life is immoral."

Instagram capture/Sincere lawyer

The Instagram story of lawyer Eduardo Inda-Romero revealed that he was being criticized or pressured to withdraw his desire to process the child's humanitarian visa.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other confirmed details about the case.

José Manuel Carbajal has three children in Cuba, two girls and one boy.

El Taiger was found unconscious on Thursday in the back seat of an abandoned vehicle in broad daylight, just two blocks from Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was operated on and where he remains in intensive care connected to a ventilator.

According to medical reports, the bullet struck his forehead and passed through the right side of his brain, compromising his health seriously.

Followers of the artist in the United States, in Cuba, and in other countries have reacted with emotional displays of support and faith.

Cuban artists from all ideologies and backgrounds advocate for its recovery.

The effusive reaction of hundreds of thousands of Cubans, who have even taken to the streets in different provinces to pray, sing, or dance to the music of El Taiger in spontaneous tribute, has created comparative grievances, as some believe that Cuban political prisoners deserve much more of a similar attitude and support.

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