A Cuban pickpocket arrested while stealing in the Rome metro.

The incident took place at the Manzoni metro station.

Cubano detenido en Italia © Policia de Ital
Cuban detained in Italy Foto © Policia de Ital

During an operation to combat crimes in the metro stations in Italy, agents from the State Police of the I District Trevi-Campo Marzio arrested a 31-year-old Cuban citizen, accused of aggravated robbery in collaboration with other individuals.

The incident took place at the Manzoni metro station, where authorities observed three individuals who approached a passenger as a train arrived, reported the local newspaper Castelli Notizia.

Taking advantage of the open doors, one of the suspects forcefully leaned against the victim, managing to steal the mobile phone from his pockets.

After the robbery, the three tried to quickly move away from the platform, but one of them was intercepted by the agents before he could get rid of the device, which he tried to throw onto the tracks.

The other two accomplices managed to escape using the escalators.

A German citizen who witnessed the incident recognized the arrested person as the author of another robbery he had suffered moments earlier at the same station, when his wallet was stolen.

During the inspection, the agents found two bills in the possession of the arrested individual, which belonged to the German citizen.

After the verifications, the Cuban was arrested, while the judicial authorities validated the agents' actions.

Investigations continue to locate the whereabouts of the other two individuals involved in the crime, they indicated.

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