Drawbridge causes unusual behavior from drivers in Miami

Beyond the typical honking in traffic jams, the scene had an unexpected protagonist in the figure of a driver or passenger who got out of their car to "conduct the orchestra of honks."

The opening of a drawbridge in Miami caused an unusual reaction from the drivers who were stuck and decided to hurry the operation by honking their vehicle horns.

Beyond the typical honking in situations of traffic jams, the scene had an unexpected protagonist in the figure of a driver or passenger who got out of their car to "conduct the orchestra of honks."

The scene was captured on camera by other drivers who were waiting and who had a good time with the man's gestures, as he waved his arms and "directed" the cacophony of horns from those who were waiting.

It was shared by the news site Only in Dade and recalled the scene captured in January in a similar situation that occurred on the drawbridge of Venetian Causeway, when a saxophonist got out of his car to practice some notes on his instrument and starred in a very striking and funny dance.

The drawbridges of Miami

In Miami, drawbridges are a key infrastructure for managing both vehicle and maritime traffic, especially in areas with high influxes of boaters.

Despite their importance, these bridges can become a source of frustration for drivers, who often find themselves stuck in long traffic jams, as happened in this event.

The opening of a drawbridge may seem like a routine matter, but in the city of Miami, where traffic is already a constant challenge, any interruption can cause discomfort and significant delays.

According to the regulations of the Federal Regulations Code, some of these bridges, such as the Brickell Avenue bridge, have specific opening times, especially during peak hours to avoid traffic congestion, while others, like the SW 2 Avenue bridge, are not required to open at specific times of the day.

This scene, although amusing for some, also highlights a more serious problem: the lack of control and organization in the operation of the drawbridges.

Tragic incidents have occurred in recent years.

In 2022, a 79-year-old woman died in West Palm Beach after falling from a drawbridge that opened unexpectedly while she was crossing it.

This incident revived concerns about the safety of bridges in South Florida, given that another fatal incident occurred in Miami in February 2022, when a cyclist lost their life while trying to cross a bridge that was beginning to lift.

These situations have generated a debate about the need to strengthen security measures and improve coordination between the authorities responsible for the bridges and the navigators, so that accidents can be avoided and the negative impact on the daily lives of residents and visitors to Miami can be reduced.

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