José Luis Tan, a Cuban journalist exiled in Guyana, reports threats: “I hold the regime responsible.”

Cuban journalist José Luis Tan, exiled in Guyana, details incidents that threaten his life and reaffirms his fight for human rights.

José Luis Tan EstradaPhoto © Facebook/Lara Crofs

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The Cuban journalist José Luis Tan Estrada has publicly reported facing dangers in Guyana and has held the regime on the island responsible for any threats to his safety.

Through his social media, Tan warned about his situation and the possible risk he faces because he is in a country where he is exiled and stranded due to the Cuban government.

Facebook Capture/José Luis Tan Estrada

According to his statements, he is now in a vulnerable situation and fears for his life. In a lengthy statement, he indicated that he has been in exile in Guyana for a month and a half and that in recent days he has experienced events that threaten his safety.

He recounted that, upon getting off public transport, a man with a Cuban accent warned him in a threatening tone: "Don't keep talking a lot of nonsense because we know where you are." He also mentioned having received prior threats on social media and having been monitored in the area where he is staying.

Among other incidents, Tan recounted that a motorcyclist struck him on the leg and, days later, he encountered him again under suspicious circumstances.

He also reported that an individual recorded him without his consent in the building where he is renting. "There are no coincidences. I hold the Cuban regime responsible for anything that may happen to me," he emphasized in his post.

"Intimidation and harassment will not silence my voice. Know this clearly, I will continue to do journalism, fighting and advocating for the freedom of political prisoners and denouncing the ongoing violations of human rights in Cuba," he concluded.

Tan Estrada is recognized for leading humanitarian aid campaigns and denouncing the abuses of the Cuban regime on social media.

After his departure from Cuba, he reported being imprisoned in Villa Marista, where he spent a week in a torture cell. During that time, due to poor nutrition, he lost two teeth, as he “chewed a salt rock as easily as a stone in the rice.”

Moreover, he recalled the difficulties he faced even to receive medical attention in Cuba, stating that he had to do so “in secret, with a mask and a cap,” as no one wanted to risk helping him for fear of reprisals. Several friends offered their support, but always in secret, as the clinic managers were afraid that if discovered, the regime would take action against them.

According to the activist, most of the threats from State Security were aimed at his social media posts and his journalistic work, due to the "reach of his publications" and, in particular, the "humanitarian aid" he managed.

He emphasized that the officials disapproved of her posts because "she was denigrating the achievements of the Cuban Revolution."

Regarding his departure from the country, Tan explained that State Security "did not facilitate anything for him"; on the contrary, it hindered his plans.

Frequently Asked Questions about the complaint by José Luis Tan Estrada and the harassment by the Cuban regime

Why does journalist José Luis Tan Estrada hold the Cuban regime accountable for the dangers faced in Guyana?

José Luis Tan Estrada holds the Cuban regime responsible for any threats against his integrity because he has received threats and has been monitored, which he considers an attempt to silence his journalistic work and his activism in defense of human rights from exile in Guyana.

What kind of threats has José Luis Tan Estrada received in Guyana?

José Luis Tan Estrada has been verbally threatened by a man with a Cuban accent, has received threats on social media, and has been monitored in the area where he is staying, in addition to having been assaulted by a motorcyclist. These incidents have put him in a vulnerable situation, and he fears for his life.

What is the context of José Luis Tan Estrada's departure from Cuba?

José Luis Tan Estrada left for exile due to the constant harassment and threats from the Cuban regime, including his imprisonment in Villa Marista. He was forced to leave Cuba under extreme conditions and threats, without receiving any assistance for his departure.

How has the Cuban regime affected the family of José Luis Tan Estrada?

The Cuban regime has exerted repression not only against José Luis Tan Estrada but also against his family, including acts of repudiation against his mother and threats to his neighbors, which has increased family difficulties and tensions.

What actions has José Luis Tan Estrada taken from exile?

From exile, José Luis Tan Estrada has continued his journalistic work, denouncing human rights violations in Cuba and advocating for the freedom of political prisoners, reaffirming that he will not allow himself to be silenced by the Cuban regime.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.