Cubans with I-220A: What are Cuban-American congress members waiting for to take action?

The solution to the drama faced by Cubans with the I-220A form lies in the hands of the Cuban-American congressmembers from Florida

Mario Díaz-Balart, María Elvira Salazar, and Carlos GiménezPhoto © Colage CiberCuba

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In recent weeks, multiple cases have been reported of Cuban citizens holding the I-220A form who have been detained when attending their routine appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Florida. For example, Laura de la Caridad González Sánchez, 26 years old, was arrested during her check-in appointment at the Miramar office, despite having no criminal record. Her attorney, Eduardo Soto, confirmed that, in addition to her, other Cubans in similar situations were detained on the same day. These incidents have raised concern and fear within the migrant community, increasing uncertainty regarding the legal status of those holding the I-220A.

The immigration lawyer Willy Allen has hit the nail on the head: the solution to the plight of Cubans with the I-220A form lies in the hands of the Cuban-American congressmen from Florida: María Elvira Salazar, Carlos Giménez, and Mario Díaz-Balart. Why haven't they taken any concrete actions to pressure the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and put an end to the uncertainty faced by thousands of Cubans?

The Secretary of DHS, Kristi Noem, has the authority to determine that the I-220A constitutes a legal entry under the Cuban Adjustment Act. The decision is administrative, not legislative. And while María Elvira has pushed for her bill to regularize the beneficiaries of this form, Allen insists that such a law is unnecessary. It would suffice for DHS to issue a clear and fair guideline.

It’s not that Cuban American congress members lack power. When they wanted Trump to backtrack on a petroleum deal with Venezuela, they succeeded. They stood firm, raised their voices, and got the former president to cancel the negotiation. They have influence, know how to navigate Washington, and can exert real pressure on the government.

Then, why haven’t they used the same strategy with the I-220A issue? Why haven’t they made this a top-level political cause? Why haven’t they demanded that the DHS clarify once and for all the situation of these thousands of Cubans who have lived in the shadow of migratory uncertainty?

It is time to stop beating around the bush and use your influence for what truly matters to the Cuban community in the United States. It is not enough to make lukewarm statements or propose legislative measures that could take years to come to fruition (if they ever do). What is needed is immediate action. And that action involves pressuring the DHS with the same intensity that you halted the agreement with Maduro.

Cuban-American congress members have shown that, when they want to, they can influence the political landscape in Washington. What are they waiting for to do it now? How much longer will Cubans with I-220A have to wait to see their situation resolved?

If they truly represent their community, let them show it. Let them take action. Now.

Frequently Asked Questions about Form I-220A and the Situation of Cubans in the United States

What is the I-220A form and what is its purpose?

The I-220A form is a release on parole order granted to individuals detained by Immigration and subsequently released, under the condition of attending immigration hearings. Unlike other immigration documents, the I-220A does not provide clear benefits such as work authorization or protection against deportation, leaving many Cubans in a legal limbo in the United States.

Why have Cubans with I-220A been detained at their immigration appointments?

The detentions of Cubans with I-220A during their immigration appointments have raised concerns due to the lack of clear explanations from ICE. It is speculated that these detentions could be related to new, stricter immigration policies implemented by the administration of President Donald Trump, which aim to review the release status of those who recently arrived in the country.

What can Cuban-American congress members do to help Cubans with I-220A?

Cuban-American congress members have the ability to exert pressure on the Department of Homeland Security to recognize the I-220A as a legal entry under the Cuban Adjustment Act. They are expected to use their political influence to achieve a clear administrative guideline that eliminates the legal uncertainty faced by thousands of Cubans.

What measures are being taken to address the status of Cubans with I-220A?

Currently, both legislative proposals and legal actions are being promoted to regularize the status of Cubans with I-220A. Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar, for example, has proposed a law to grant them permanent legal status. At the same time, a group of lawyers is working on a lawsuit that aims to eliminate the I-220A in favor of a parole document.

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Luis Flores

CEO and co-founder of When I have time, I write opinion pieces about Cuban reality from an emigrant's perspective.

Luis Flores

CEO and co-founder of When I have time, I write opinion pieces about Cuban reality from an emigrant's perspective.