Preparation Time
15 minutes
Una receta que transforma el pollo en un plato sabroso, crujiente y versátil. Ideal para acompañar con puré de papas, sopa o como relleno de tacos y empanadas. Otra forma de comer el pollo rápida y fácil si tienes poco tiempo, si estás aburrido de comer siempre el pollo de la misma forma e incluso si tienes poco pollo y quieres sacarle más rendimiento.
2 chicken pieces (thigh and drumstick)
2 lemons (for the marinade)
3 cloves of garlic
1 piece of onion
1 bay leaf
Salt and ground pepper (to taste)
Garlic powder, onion powder, oregano powder, and cumin (to taste)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Cooking the chicken and preparing the broth:
Remove the skin from the chicken thighs and drumsticks.
Place the chicken pieces in a pot and cover them with water.
Add salt, ground pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, ground oregano, cumin, and the bay leaf.
Cook over medium heat until the chicken is thoroughly cooked. If using a pressure cooker, set it to high heat and once it starts to release steam, lower it to medium heat. It will be cooked in 20 minutes.
Remove the chicken from the water and let it cool on a plate.
Cuela el caldo y resérvalo para una sopa o como base de otra receta.
Shred the chicken:
Once cool, shred the chicken into fine strands, ensuring that no bones or cartilage remain.
3. Marinating the chicken:
Squeeze the 2 lemons over the shredded chicken.
Add salt, pepper, and mix well.
Finely chop the garlic and onion, and mix them with the chicken.
Let the mixture rest for a few minutes to allow the flavors to meld.
4. Sofrito and golden chicken:
In a skillet or deep saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil over high heat.
Add the marinated chicken along with the seasonings and start frying it, stirring constantly with a wooden or plastic spoon to prevent it from clumping together.
While the chicken is browning, add a splash of extra oil if you notice it's getting dry.
Test and adjust the flavor with a bit more lemon or salt, as you prefer.
Continue stirring until the chicken is golden and crispy, but be careful not to let it burn.
Presentation Suggestions:
Serve with mashed potatoes, white rice, or a light soup.
Use it as filling for tacos, empanadas, or even sandwiches.
A simple and delicious recipe that makes the most of every piece of chicken!