HeCuban political prisoner Luis Robles Elizástigui denounced that the authorities of the Combinado del Este prisonThey forced him to take off his clothes and took naked photos of him "Ahead and behind".
The 29-year-oldsentenced to five years in prison for demonstrating peacefully on San Rafael Boulevard in Havana, he said in a phone call to the independent mediaCubaNet that he did not know the reasons for this new form of torture and that he does not know “what they have planned,” but that he is intrigued by “what those photos were for” because “nothing good can be expected from them.” That worries me".
Robles Elizástigui specified that the incident occurred last Saturday and in front of many people. “There was the head of Internal Order, the head of the Unit and other officers that I had not seen,” he stated.
He also said that on the same Saturday morning he was sitting in front of his bed and “The head of the Guard passed by and ordered me to take him out.. They kept me until about 7:00 in the morning where all the officers are and then they took me up.”
At the end of the call, he stressed his concern because “Until now the police had not messed with me"However, he recalled that on a previous occasion They even hit him on the head., they handcuffed him and that a prison guard “took on me.”
According to the information ofCubaNetRobles Elizástigui added that on May 1 the prison guards woke up all the inmates around 6:00 am andThey were forced to watch the parade summoned by the regime in the Plaza de la Revolución.
For its part,Landys FernándezElizastigui He also condemned the State Security's harassment against him to intimidate his brother and pointed out that they have even threatened to put him in prison so that the detainee can reach a deal and publicly repent of his actions.
At the end of April, the political prisonerHe reported that he was the victim of a beating and that they then transferred him without any reason to a punishment cell. On that occasion he also gave statements to that independent media in which he explained that an officer identified as Ramoncito rebuked him and hit him on the head.
The physical violence against him came in retaliation for his constant complaintsagainst the mistreatment that he and other prisoners receive in the Combinado del Este. He has also criticized the poor hygiene and food conditions of the precinct.
At the beginning of the previous month,Robles Elizástigui's lawyer filed an appeal before the Supreme Court of Cuba against the five-year prison sentence imposed on his client.
The case of the young political prisoner has been the subject of criticism of the government by different international organizations.The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) He criticized the sentence imposed by the Court and pointed out that the criminal process was full of irregularities, since "judges at the service of the Communist Party of Cuba unjustly punished a young Cuban for exercising his rights to free demonstration and expression."
On December 4, 2020the arbitrary detention of Robles Elizástigui occurred, while carrying out a solo protest on San Rafael Boulevard. The young man, a computer scientist, carried a sign demanding the end of repression and the freedom of the protesting artist.Denis Solis, arrested a month earlier.
Robles Elizástigui was denied four requests for a change of measure before the trial. The non-governmental organization Prisoners Defenders declared him a prisoner of conscience in January 2021 and other NGOs such as the OCDH itself, Cubalex, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have repeatedly denounced his case.
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