They find remains of a farmer who disappeared in Manzanillo seven months ago

The mortal remains of José Ángel Reytor Arias, 66, were found near the place where he disappeared in September 2023. According to family sources, he apparently suffered a heart attack. The case is under judicial investigation.

José Ángel Reytor Arias © Collage de Facebook/Marisel Blanco Reytor
José Ángel Reytor Arias Photo © Facebook Collage/Marisel Blanco Reytor

Almost seven months after his disappearance and from the desperate search undertaken by his relatives, the mortal remains of the Cuban farmer were found this Saturday in Manzanillo, Granma province.José Ángel Reytor Arias, 66 years old.

His niece Marisel Blanco Reytor gave thenews on social networks: “Today, after almost 7 months of his disappearance, we found the remains of my uncle's body,apparently died of a heart attack"Everything is under judicial investigation."

Blanco, who during all these months did not give up in the search for his uncle, revealed that Reytor died “near the place where he disappeared.”

Facebook capture/Marisel Blanco Reytor

“Thank you to everyone who still asked me if we had news about him and, as we always told you that we would let you know when we found him, today I tell you that my uncle died near the place where he disappeared and we finally found him. Eternal light for our dear José Ángel, rest in peace, uncle,” he expressed.

The case alert was launched on social networks a week after thedisappearance of the old man, on September 11, 2023, when he was in the field cutting rice and went out to look for water for his companions.

Reytor never returned to the place. His niece toldCyberCuba that, at that moment, “more than 50 men dispersed around the rice field in search of him, without finding a trace of him.”

The next day the relatives went to file a complaint at the Manzanillo PNR, but the authorities claimed that they had to do so 72 hours after the disappearance. Once that period had passed, they went again to report, “but we never saw interest on the part of the police to help us,” Blanco stated.

Determined to find the elderly man, his family took to social media, like so many others who search for their missing relatives in Cuba, given that there is no official state channel to make these cases visible and make the search and discovery of the people possible.

For almost seven months,Reytor's relatives systematically published requests for help to find his whereabouts and they did not lose hope of finding him alive. But unfortunately, this Saturday they received the sad news they did not want.

The name of José Ángel Reytor joins a long list of Cubans who have disappeared and their families have to accept the fact of finding them dead.

In a case with a similar outcome,Walfrido Hernández, reported missing on March 21, was found dead in Havana a few days later.

At the beginning of the year, thetragic end of Cuban-American Yorjelguis Bolaños Fernández, who had been missing since January 7 in Madruga, Mayabeque province, and was found dead about 10 days later. Bolaños, who was visiting his homeland, was murdered.

In that same month,Alcides Magdariaga Chacón, an 80-year-old man whose whereabouts were unknown in Santiago de Cuba, was found dead inside a cistern.

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