Cuban mother missing for 12 days in Havana.

The 44-year-old woman and her nine-year-old daughter suffer from psychotic paranoid schizophrenia and are without medication due to the lack of the drug. She has never left her house.

Bárbara Lozano Pendones (Baby) © La Tijera / Facebook
Bárbara Lozano Pendones (Baby)Photo © La Tijera / Facebook

A 44-year-old Cuban mother has been missing for 12 days in Havana.

Bárbara Lozano Pendones (Baby) was last seen on August 19 at the door of her house, located at 6th Street No. 4225 between Central and February 24, in the Martín Pérez neighborhood, San Miguel del Padrón municipality.

The independent feminist platform YoSíTeCreo in Cuba highlighted the case on its Facebook profile.

According to the description provided by the family, the woman is 1.70 meters tall, has long black hair, brown eyes, and a scar on the index finger of her left hand.

"He suffers from paranoid schizophrenia at a psychotic level and is without medication due to the lack of fluphenazine decanoate that public health must administer to him once a month. In addition, he suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma," the note details.

Facebook Capture / I Do Believe You in Cuba

"It is the first time she has been away from home. Baby has a nine-year-old daughter who needs her," she adds.

YoSíTeCreo emphasized that this case requires community support and asked the community that if anyone sees the woman, to accompany her and notify the Police.

The Facebook profile "La Tijera" also asked for help to find Baby, who is now unstable due to not having treatment for a few months.

Facebook Capture / The Scissors

"His family and friends tell me that he is a great human being, that he loves his little daughter, and that he needs help given his emotional situation. If someone sees him, please contact the number 52637977," the post details.

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