Anguish in Ciego de Ávila: Young woman with disabilities missing for more than a month

Claudia, 27 years old and with a mental disability, disappeared on August 7th when she left her home in Baraguá, Ciego de Ávila. Her family, desperate, continues to search for her.

Claudia Cárdenas Rodríguez, de 27 años, está en paradero desconocido desde agosto © Facebook/Odet Cárdenas
Claudia Cárdenas Rodríguez, 27 years old, has been missing since August.Photo © Facebook/Odet Cárdenas

More than a month after the disappearance of the young Cuban Claudia Cárdenas Rodríguez, 27 years old and with mental disabilities, in Ciego de Ávila, the anguish grows and her family continues to search for her desperately.

The girl disappeared on August 7, when she left her home in the town of San Rafael, in the municipality of Baraguá, leaving no trace, and her whereabouts are still unknown, according to new posts shared by one of her relatives on social media.

"She is still missing, we no longer know what to do or where to search," lamented Odet Cárdenas in a recent post in a Facebook group.

Facebook capture/Odet Cárdenas in Reporting the crimes in Cuba

In response to people concerned about the young girl, Cárdenas clarified that Claudia "has mental health issues" and, at 27 years old, "her mentality is that of a two-year-old child. Unfortunately, she escaped from her grandmother and has not been found yet."

In another post made this Tuesday, the woman raised the alarm again about the case: "Missing since August 7, if anyone sees her, please call (to) 51111341. We are desperate. Thank you."

Facebook capture/Odet Cárdenas in Denouncing the crimes in Cuba

When she disappeared, Claudia was wearing a blue blouse and a long printed skirt, Cárdenas told our newsroom, and he indicated that the report was made to the police. "We are desperate and we don't know where to look anymore," he stated.

Social media has been the avenue used by the young woman's family to try to find her, as happens with other similar cases in Cuba, due to the lack of a state channel to give them visibility.

Twelve days after Claudia's disappearance, the Gender Observatory Alas Tensas (OGAT) issued an alert regarding her case, denouncing the "inaction of the police" concerning her search.

"The inaction of the Cuban police in this disappearance case has left Claudia's family and the community as its only searchers," stated the independent platform.

"Everyone has the right to be searched for from the very first moments when their disappearance is detected, and to have all available means put in place for their search," he emphasized.

The OGAT publication highlighted that Claudia is described by her family as a non-aggressive and extremely affectionate person, "like a little girl."

The observatory then pointed out that it had not been able to specify what type of mental issue the young woman has or whether she is taking any medication.

Reports of disappearances of people in Cuba have become increasingly frequent in recent months, as well as the posting of requests for help on social media to obtain information that would allow for locating them, amid a context of growing insecurity in the country due to rising crime rates.

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