The National Immigration Institute of Mexico receives 30 times more Cubans than in 2018

The number of migrants from the Island has surpassed that of Central Americans and those coming from Africa.

Cubanos en México © Twitter/ Noticias de Chiapas
Cubans in Mexico Photo © Twitter/ Chiapas News

This article is from 4 years ago

The number of Cuban migrants who have entered Mexico in 2019 has multiplied by 30 in relation to that registered in 2018, according to data published by the Migration Policy unit of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob).

In the first five months of this year, the National Migration Institute received 4,225 citizens of the Caribbean island, compared to the 135 who arrived during the same period of the previous year.

Cubans are the group of foreigners whose percentage of entries into Mexican territory the more it grows. The islanders have left behind Central Americans and migrants arriving from more distant places such as Africa. Many leave Cuba as tourists to Guyana, and from there continue a long and dangerous journey that includes Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala.

On Aztec soil live risky experiences while they wait to apply for political asylum in the United States.

In June a group of migrants in Ciudad Juárez asked United States congressmen to be transferred to that country as they await a response to their request for asylum, given the violence that ravages that city where robberies and attempted kidnappings abound, and they are also persecuted by the federal police.

The tension on the border between Mexico and the United States does not stop. On July 3, about 30 Cubans They tried to force their way onto North American soil. to demand that the humanitarian asylum procedures be expedited. The incident led immigration authorities to close the International Bridge that connects Reynosa, in the state of Tamaulipas, with Hidalgo, Texas.

Deportations to Cuba have also increased substantially in 2019, as a result of a migration cooperation agreement signed by the governments of both countries.

On June 27, agents of the Mexican Police and the National Immigration Institute They detained 12 Cubans in hotels in Ciudad Juárez, in the middle of a raid whose objective was to locate migrants with an irregular situation.

On July 3, it was officially reported that, except for three migrants who were registered on the list of the State Council for Population and Assistance to Migrants (Coespo), the rest would be deported.

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