Cuba confirms 61 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 457

The Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) detailed this Wednesday that 61 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Cuba, bringing the total number to 457.

This article is from 3 years ago

He Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) He detailed this Wednesday that in Cuba there were 61 new cases of coronavirus, which brings the total figure to 457.

Currently there 1,732 patients admitted, 27 people have been discharged since the beginning of the health crisis and 12 have lost their lives, the last one 62 year old woman. Others 9,414 people are monitored in their homes from Primary Health Care.

MINSAP data on the coronavirus

On this occasion the data was detailed by Minister of Public Health, José Ángel Portal Miranda, instead of national director of Epidemiology, Dr. Francisco Durán García, who until now had reported on the progress of the virus in the country.

In the report, he specified that 60 of the new infected are Cubans and one is a foreigner, who is a Chinese citizen. Of them, five have a source of infection abroad (Panama and Mexico 2 each, Nicaragua 1), 42 42 were contacts of confirmed cases, 13 were in contact with travelers from abroad and the source of infection for one is still being investigated.

Details of the 61 new confirmed cases

Of the total of those newly infected, 22 are residents of the province of Havana. A total of nine are admitted to the Luis Díaz Soto Hospital.

Two 36-year-old citizens of the Island are in this hospital facility. The first is a man who resides in the Centro Habana municipality and who arrived in the country from Panama. 12 contacts remain under surveillance.

The second is a woman, resident in the Boyeros municipality, who arrived in Cuba from Mexico. 13 people with whom he was in contact are under medical surveillance.

Two Cubans, aged 29 and 62 respectively, are also hospitalized. The first resides in Marianao and also arrived from Panama. 15 contacts remain under surveillance. The second lives in the Habana Vieja municipality and was in contact with another infected person.

In addition, three women from Isla are admitted to this hospital. One of them is 61 years old and resides in the Cerro municipality. He is a contact of someone with respiratory symptoms and six of his contacts are under surveillance.

The others are 35 and 58 years old respectively. The 35-year-old resides in the San Miguel del Padrón municipality and was in contact with another infected person. 13 contacts remain under surveillance. The second is a resident of the Guanabacoa municipality and arrived in the country from Nicaragua. 56 contacts remain under surveillance.

The list of new hospital patients is completed by two Cubans. One is 78 years old and was in contact with travelers from the United States for work reasons. He is a resident of the Habana del Este municipality and 10 contacts are under surveillance.

The other citizen of the Island is 37 years old and resides in the San Miguel del Padrón municipality. He maintained contact with foreigners for work reasons and 13 contacts remain under surveillance.

Seven of those infected are in the Salvador Allende Hospital, among them a 10-year-old Cuban girl who lives in the Marianao municipality. He was in contact with a traveler from the United States and 14 contacts remain under surveillance.

A 21-year-old young man from the Island, who lives in the Diez de Octubre municipality, remains in Allende. He is a fourth-year student at the Camilo Cienfuegos ward of the Calixto García Hospital. 15 contacts remain under surveillance.

Additionally, a 29-year-old Cuban man, resident in the Playa municipality, is hospitalized. He is a contact of another infected person diagnosed previously and 54 of his contacts remain under surveillance.

It is the same age as another infected Cuban who resides in the Habana Vieja municipality. He is also in this health facility and was in contact with a previously confirmed case. 54 contacts remain under surveillance.

The other three patients also had contact with other infected people. It is a woman from the Island, 49 years old, and two Cubans, 49 and 32 years old respectively. Several people around them are under medical surveillance.

Four new patients remain at the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK), among whom is a 16-year-old Cuban teenager. The young woman lives in the Playa municipality and was in contact with another infected person. 12 contacts remain under surveillance.

Two Cuban women, aged 52 and 70 respectively, are also admitted. The first also resides in Playa and the second in Cerro. The 80-year-old Cuban lives in the Boyeros municipality. The three were in contact with other infected people.

At the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital there is a 67-year-old Cuban who resides in the Playa municipality. 7 of his contacts remain under surveillance. He was in contact with a traveler from the United States.

An 11-year-old Cuban girl is in the Pediatric Hospital of Centro Habana. This resident of the Habana del Este municipality presented infantile cerebral palsy and the authorities are studying the source of infection. 20 contacts remain under surveillance.

Nine new infected people from Villa Clara

At the Manuel Piti Fajardo Hospital there are a total of 9 new infected people who reside in the province of Villa Clara. All of them are residents of the Santa Clara municipality, except for a woman from the Island, who is 52 years old and lives in the Cifuentes municipality. This infected person was in contact with another previously confirmed case and eight of her contacts are under surveillance.

Of the residents in Santa Clara, there is an 11-year-old Cuban boy. 15 people he was in contact with are under surveillance and he was in contact with another previously confirmed case.

It is the same case as three Cuban girls, one 13 years old and two 15 years old. All three had contact with infected others. In the case of the first, 13 contacts remain under surveillance. Between the other two, a total of 32 people with whom they had contact are being monitored.

Four more patients also remain in this hospital, among whom is a 22-year-old girl from the Island. The other three are two men, 37 and 60 years old respectively, and a woman, 67. All three are Cubans.

10 patients of the Holy Spirit

The 10 newly infected people who reside in the Cabaiguán municipality, in the province of Sancti Spíritus, are also hospitalized in Piti Fajardo. All of them were in contact with other previously confirmed cases.

In this group there is also a 16-year-old adolescent and the authorities are monitoring 12 people with whom he was in contact.

There are three more young people. Two Cubans, 28 and 29 years old, and a Cuban woman, 23. In the case of these three, the authorities have 11 people under surveillance with whom each one was in contact. It is unknown if they have any family ties.

Of this group, the oldest is an 80-year-old Cuban woman. 12 people around him are under surveillance.

Five more Cubans complete the list of Cubans from this province who are admitted. This is a citizen of 49 years old, another of 52, one of 55, one of 63 and another of 78.

Six new cases in Artemisa and another six in Holguín

The new cases from the province of Artemisa are admitted to the Luis Díaz Soto Hospital. Three of them are residents of the Bauta municipality. They are two Cuban women, 24 and 49 years old respectively, and a Cuban, 54. The three were in contact with a traveler who arrived from the United States.

In the case of the two women, 13 contacts of the young woman and 15 of the 49-year-old woman are kept under surveillance. 13 contacts of the Cuban are also under surveillance. The MINSAP did not detail whether the three have family ties.

A 52-year-old Chinese citizen, resident in the Mariel municipality, is also hospitalized. 10 contacts remain under surveillance. The other two affected are a one-year-old baby from the Island and a 23-year-old Cuban woman. The authorities are monitoring 15 contacts of the minor and the young woman.

The three were in contact with other previously confirmed infected people.

Regarding Holguín, the six patients reside in the Gibara municipality and are at the Dr. Fermín Valdés Domínguez Hospital. All were in contact with other previously confirmed cases.

Among them is an eight-year-old Cuban boy and the MINSAP reported that they are monitoring 25 people who were in contact with him.

The others infected are three Cuban women, ages 39, 47 and 74; and two citizens of the largest of the Antilles, 28 and 36 years old respectively. The authorities are monitoring many of their contacts to determine more infections.

Three new cases in Matanzas and Santiago de Cuba

The three infected people from the municipality of Matanzas are admitted to the Mario Muñoz Monroy Hospital. This is a 69-year-old Cuban woman, who is being monitored by up to nine of her contacts; and two Cubans, 59 and 46 years old respectively.

In the case of the first, 14 people are under surveillance and in the case of the second, 16. Both the woman and the 59-year-old man were in contact with other cases, while the 46-year-old citizen was in contact with foreigners for work reasons.

The three patients who reside in the province of Santiago de Cuba are at the Ambrosio Grillo Hospital. Two of the Cuban women who are admitted reside in the municipality of Santiago, one 20 years old and the other 36 years old. The first was in contact with another previously confirmed case and 25 of her contacts are under surveillance.

The last one was in contact with a traveler from Italy and a previously confirmed case. 27 contacts remain under surveillance.

The third hospitalized is another woman from the Island, 42 years old and resident in the Contramaestre municipality. He was in contact with two previously confirmed cases and 44 contacts are under surveillance.

Two new cases in the province of Camagüey

For its part, two new patients are admitted to the Dr. Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja Hospital.

This is a 59-year-old Cuban man, who resides in the Florida municipality and of whom 15 contacts are being monitored, and a 31-year-old Cuban woman. This woman is a resident of the Esmeralda municipality and 25 people who were in contact with her are under surveillance.

Of the 457 patients diagnosed with the disease, 400 have a stable clinical evolution. In addition, 10 patients are reported to be in critical condition and six in serious condition.

Patients reported in critical condition

The 53-year-old Cuban woman, who arrived in the country from Venezuela and is in the Manuel Piti Fajardo Hospital, remains in critical condition. She has respiratory distress and remains ventilated. The authorities detailed that he presented radiological improvement and mild respiratory distress.

In this health facility, the Cubans, aged 49 and 84 respectively, remain in critical condition. The first, who resides in the Taguasco municipality, is "hemodynamically unstable" and maintains radiological worsening; while the second continues with tachycardia, hypertension and abundant tracheobronchial secretions and ventilation.

The patients on the Island who are in the Luis Díaz Soto Hospital do not show any improvement either. The 55-year-old Cuban, who resides in the Playa municipality and who was in contact with foreigners for work reasons, is "hemodynamically unstable with mild respiratory distress."

The 42-year-old citizen of the largest of the Antilles, who resides in Central Havana, presents acute respiratory distress. While the Cuban woman, 64 years old and resident in the Habana del Este municipality, is still reported in critical condition. He was received with acute respiratory failure, dry cough, intercostal and supraclavicular indrawing. He is in mild respiratory distress.

A 70-year-old Cuban who was in contact with people who arrived in Cuba from Spain also remains in critical condition in this hospital. He presents a picture of acute respiratory failure with moderate respiratory distress.

The 68-year-old Cuban woman, who is in the IPK, remains on mechanical ventilation. He presents moderate respiratory distress and radiological worsening. He has a history of high blood pressure and a recent upper gastrointestinal bleeding event.

At the Salvador Allende Hospital, the 66-year-old Cuban, who resides in the Boyeros municipality, is also still reported as critical. He has clinical and radiological worsening.

For his part, the 62-year-old Cuban who is admitted to the Mario Muñoz Monroy Hospital has respiratory dysfunction and is unstable. This resident of the Cárdenas municipality, in the province of Matanzas, was in contact with foreigners for work reasons.

Patients reported in serious condition

The 91-year-old Cuban woman, who lives in the Santa Clara municipality, remains in serious condition, although clinical improvement is evident.

The Cuban, 66, and the woman from the island, 52, also remain in serious condition. The first, who resides in the Diez de Octubre municipality and is in Luis Díaz Soto, presents mild respiratory distress. The second, who is a resident of the Camagüey municipality, remains at the Amalia Simoni Hospital hemodynamically unstable and with inflammatory lesions in both lung fields.

For his part, the 83-year-old Cuban who is in the IPK, worsened in the last few hours. He was reported as critical and is now reported in serious condition.

Two Cuban women, aged 85 and 81 respectively, are also in serious condition. The first is a resident of Santiago de Cuba and is admitted to the Joaquín Castillo Duani Hospital. She has inflammatory lesions in both lung fields with right-based pleural effusion, has a history of Diabetes Mellitus, and is immobilized due to hip surgery.

The second resides in Sancti Spíritus and was admitted to intensive care with the diagnosis of viral pneumonia. He is hemodynamically stable, has a history of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and glaucoma.

In the last hours the Government of the Island announced that the "limited indigenous transmission" phase of COVID-19 had been entered, after detecting cases in which the route of infestation of the virus cannot be determined.

"This stage is declared when cases are confirmed in which it has not been possible to establish a link with travelers from affected areas and they are limited to small conglomerates in localities or institutions in the country," Miranda explained.

Due, The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, announced that new measures will be implemented, which include a limitation on the number of people per bus to maintain adequate distancing.

He also announced the suspension of the sale of alcoholic beverages in bars, cafes and restaurants. "Only drinks would be sold to go," he said.

In addition, an analysis will be carried out on the country's work activities that are not essential to determine their cessation, "maintaining those with the greatest impact on the national economy, such as food production."

What do you think?


Filed in:

Jose Nacher

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Journalism from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, Spain. Editor at Siglo XXI, Agencia EFE, Las Provincias y El Mundo.

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