Jumper Robiel Yankiel Sol gave Cuba its first gold in the Paralympic Games

The boy surpassed his personal best by almost a meter.

Robiel Yankiel Sol © Jit / Mónica Ramírez
Robiel Yankiel Sol Photo © Jit / Mónica Ramírez

This article is from 2 years ago

Long jumper Robiel Yankiel Sol gave Cuba its first gold medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games by winning his test with a record for the event of 7.46 meters.

The 18-year-old boy (T46 category) reached the final without any claim to gold and ultimately conquered it with four valid jumps over seven meters - a mark he had never achieved in official competitions - including the first one that earned him the place. highest on the podium.

"I feel good physically and mentally. All that remains is to compete and prove myself among the greats," he had told thedigital siteJit the youngest member of the Cuban delegation attending the event.

Before Tokyo, Sol had only covered 6.77 meters.

In the Japanese competition, the Cuban defeated, among others, the French Arnaud Assoumani - universal record holder with 7.58 meters - and the American Roderick Townsend, who broke the Paralympic limit of 7.41 and left him in second place with 7.43 .

The bronze medal went to Russian Nikita Kotukov (7.34).

Now Cuba occupies 43rd place in the standings with a medal of each color, after the silver of the long jumper as wellLeinier Savón (category T12) and the bronze of the discus throwerLeonardo Diaz (F56).

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Michael Contreras

CiberCuba journalist specialized in baseball, soccer and chess.

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