The body of Luis Miguel González Sáez, natural from Pleasures, Villa Clara, was found this Thursday in the Bravo River, as confirmed by family sources.
"A wonderful, humble and good child," wrote the young man's aunt, Barbara Perez, in the Facebook group We are all Placetas, shortly after the body was found.
Pérez thanked all the people who responded to the family's call and sent messages of support or comfort for the situation they are experiencing, after the tragic incident.
"Goodbye angels of my vineto. I ask God to teach me to live without you," he noted.
Luis Miguel González Sáez and his father Jose Luis, They were swept away a week ago by the current of the Rio Grande when trying to reach US territory and died at the scene, according to reports made by people close to the victims.
The young man's body was the only one left to find, but the deployment of an operation and the request for help among Cubans who live near the border allowed them to be found seven days later.
Until this Thursday there was hope of finding González Sáez alive, but the family, both in Cuba and in the United States, received the sad news of the discovery, to which they reacted with great regret.
"The Rio Grande leaves mourning in Placetas", a person wrote on Facebook upon learning of the death of the father and his son, as a sign of respect for what happened.
The critical situation that Cuba is experiencing Currently, it forces hundreds of citizens to risk their lives in an attempt to escape the island in search of better living conditions and opportunities, whether by crossing the Strait of Florida, crossing the Latin American continent or through certain European countries.
Since Nicaragua exempted Cubans from visas, this Central American nation became the main destination for citizens of the island who aspire to reach the southern border of the United States and once there request international protection, under the protection of current laws.
In the Rio Grande, a total of 248 deaths of migrants of various nationalities were recorded in 2020, according to official data from the Border Control Patrol.
2019 was the worst recorded in recent years and according to that number rose to more than 800, showing that Migrants are willing to take any risk to reach the United States.
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