Lis Cuesta responds to AMLO: "They need to deteriorate their image because they know that the nobility of their soul seduces"

“Who with 'nobility of soul' listens to music, has fun, has dinner and celebrates while firefighters risk their lives to rescue human beings from the rubble of an explosion?” a Cuban social media user, outraged by the incident, asked Cuesta. lack of empathy from Miguel Díaz-Canel.

AMLO y Díaz-Canel © Presidencia de Cuba
AMLO and Díaz-Canel Photo © Presidency of Cuba

This article is from 1 year ago

The official of the Ministry of Culture,Lis Cuesta Peraza, once again demonstrated his "communicative skills" on social networks by celebrating the “nobility of the soul” of thedictator of your heart, the governorMiguel Diaz-Canel, that “good public servant” who entertained the Mexican presidentAndrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), while Cuba mourns the victims ofthe Saratoga Hotel explosion.

“Honestly, it is impossible to know him and not love him. Díaz-Canel is like that, just as you have said. Haters need to deteriorate their image because they know that the nobility of their soul seduces. Thanks again. #fuerzaCuba #TeMolestaMiAmor,” Lis Cuesta tweeted this Monday, sharing a fragment of the Mexican president's press conference tohis dark return from Havana, in which he praised the ruler appointed by the dictatorRaul Castro.

Taking a minute to pronounce 54 words, López Obradorcorresponded to the José Martí Order that was imposed on him in the Palace of the Revolution,the banquet offered to him by the leadership of a hungry country andthe friendship sustained with the second of the Castros, calling Díaz-Canel “a very good person.” If the average speed of speech allows for modulation between 125 and 190 words per minute, López Obrador did not speak, but rather dragged himself in his syllable.

“I also want to openly express… my great satisfaction… for confirming… that Tuba [sic], that Cuba has… an… extraordinary president… Miguel… Díaz-Canel… an honest, hardworking, humane man… a very good person… a good servant public and a good human being... and that... gave me a lot of pleasure... because, I repeat, it is... a town... a brother country," expressed López Obrador, like someone who has nothing to say and improvises poorly.

However, illustrating the level of protocol and communication strategy of the regime headed by her husband, comrade Lis Cuesta rushed to publish the good news: the dictator of my heart is an angel, he has excellent skills for governing, he works hard,"more than necessary", according to the person who put him in the position, and “haters need to deteriorate their image because they know that the nobility of their soul seduces.”

“Díaz-Canel is like that, just like you said,” said Lis Cuesta, clapping her hands and jumping for joy because someone other than her has seen the charm, firmness and kindness of the dictator of her heart. Behaving like an enthralled student of the Mexican teacher andnot like a First Lady -because she is not, she is an incognito princess in a world of rainbows and unicorns-, Cuesta brought coffee in a termito to AMLO, whom it is "impossible to know and not love."

Four and a half kilometers from the Palace,where this Sunday Díaz-Canel, López Obrador and their devoted wives shared exquisite delicacies accompanied by good wines, the rubble of the Saratoga Hotel still covered the bodies of dead Cubans after an explosion about which there will be no other investigation and explanation other than the official one, the one concocted by the regime so that no one claims uncomfortable responsibilities, compensation, or other occurrences, letting themselves be carried away by the speech of “the haters”.

“Who with 'nobility of soul' listens to music, has fun, has dinner and celebrates while firefighters risk their lives to rescue human beings from the rubble of an explosion?” a Cuban social media user asked Cuesta, outraged by the lack of empathy of Díaz-Canel and company.

“You have to be very HP to know that a few blocks away there are Cubans dead because of you, who have not yet appeared from the rubble, and to be having fun as if nothing had happened. "We don't have to know him, just by knowing this we know that he is a RUTELESS KILLER," said another in the comments, influencing, like many others, the behavior of the regime's leaders at a time when many Cubans are demanding that an official mourning be declared.

“Diazca has such a noble soul that he publicly called for a civil war and for some Cubans to kill others. Not to mention the repression of 11J, the arbitrary arrests and aberrant sentences that are being imposed on young people for exercising a right,” another reminded Cuesta Peraza.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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