Activist Thais Mailén to Luis Robles' mother: "Have the dignity that your son has"

“I feel admiration for all the mothers who have spoken out because they have their children imprisoned, for all of them, but the direct action of Luis Robles' mother has gotten me out of trouble,” said the activist.

Thais Mailén y Yindra Elizástegui, madre Luis Robles © Facebook/Thais Mailén/Yindra Elizástegui
Thais Mailén and Yindra Elizástegui, mother Luis Robles Photo © Facebook/Thais Mailén/Yindra Elizástegui

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban activistThais Mailén Franco demanded the mother of the political prisonerLuis Robles that he had the dignity of him, after harshly criticizing his stance of "gratitude to therevolution" inthe first direct I did on social networks to talk about his son, imprisoned for more than a year.

“I feel admiration for all the mothers who have spoken out because they have their children imprisoned, for all of them, but the direct response from Luis Robles' mother has gotten me out of trouble. I am so indignant, because after more than a year she comes out to speak for him, and still speaking out, she continues to defend this Revolution, which she says she has to thank for the many benefits to her children and to her," she said this Friday. The activist was visibly indignant in a direct message on her Facebook profile.

“Madam, have the dignity that your son has, please have the dignity and courage that Luis Robles has, whoHe preferred to be imprisoned for five years before giving in to the system, before playing along. Have the dignity of not thanking the Revolution for anything,” Franco demanded of the mother of the political prisoner, Yindra Elizástegui, who this Thursday broke the silence on social networks to alsoreport mistreatment of the young man in prison.

Thais Mailén pointed out that he cannot understand that at this point, after more than a year in prison Luis Roble,who has suffered abuse and repression, Elizástegui comes out “talking more about the Revolution than about his son. Have dignity, please, have dignity.”

She maintained that she feels proud of all those mothers who have opened their eyes, after they have been indoctrinated for 63 years, “because there is not a Cuban who escapes from that. But the good thing is that one day you wake up and open your eyes and realize that you lived in a bubble, that you were deceived and that you have nothing to thank the Revolution.”

She also clarified that she feels admiration for all the mothers who have spoken out for their imprisoned children and that their pain must be respected, “because a mother is a mother.”

However, he said that "what outrages me the most is that at this point, with all the misery, the need that exists, and with all the things that happen in this system, that the mother of a symbolic character, like Luis Manuel, comes out Otero, like Maykel Osorbo, like all the 11J prisoners, saying things about his son, but thanking the Revolution more.”

“Have dignity, lady, for your sonLuis Robles that he deserves it. If you are going to do another live talk, talk about Luis Robles, not the Revolution. Homeland and Life. Freedom for all political prisoners,” concluded the activist, who reiterated all her respect for the political prisoner, “because he is a man with dignity,” to whom she hopes true justice will be done.

Yindra Elizástegui also said that she felt “outraged, with what is happening with my son” and that “coming to the networks is the only way for them to listen to me.”

“My son has been incarcerated for a year and six months for carrying a sign. Five years of unjust sentence," Elizástegui stressed.

"My son has been abused physically and psychologically, my son informs me that every time someone feels like it, abusing his position and power, he takes him out of his cell at 2 or 3 in the morning until 6 in the morning. the morning," he explained.

Elizástegui also assured that although it was his first time on social networks, he has never sat idly by every time his son tells him about these abuses. "I realized that the authorities do not pay attention to the complaints, nor to what the people say," he said.

Likewise, she defended that she raised her children with humility, with love and with respect. "My children are loved in the neighborhood where they grew up because they are educated and good men," he argued. Robles is a computer engineer and has a young son.

In December 2020, the young man held up a sign on San Rafael Boulevard in Centro Habana demanding "Freedom." A video shows the moment of arrest, where the police subdued the young man who was demonstrating alone. Since then, an odyssey of torture, recounted by himself from the Combinado del Este, where he is being held, began.

At the end of April, the political prisoner reported that he was the victim of a beating and that he was then transferred for no reason to a punishment cell.

Thephysical violence against you It came in retaliation for his constant complaints against the mistreatment that he and other prisoners receive at the Combinado del Este. He has also criticized the poor hygiene and food conditions of the precinct.

In May, Robles Elizástigui's lawyer filed aappeal before the Supreme Court of Cuba against the five-year prison sentence imposed on his client.

The case of the young political prisoner has been the subject of criticism of the government by different international organizations. The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) criticized the sentence imposed by the court and pointed out that the criminal process was full of irregularities, since "judges at the service of the Communist Party of Cuba unjustly punished a young Cuban for exercising his rights to "free demonstration and expression"

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